
Xiaxhou of Trinity

Xiaxhou of Trinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


Scythes of Chaos [SoC], [PNOY] alliance guild forums: http://socguild.cjb.net


The city of Drascir, former capital of Ascalon, lies far beyond the protection of The Great Northern Wall, due north of Surmia. It fell into the hands of the invading Charr years ago.

Drascir was also known for its Academy of the Arcane Arts, the sister academy of Nolani Academy.

King Adelbern and Prince Rurik were born in Drascir.

As described in the Lore, the Tombs of Drascir, eternal resting place for the ancient kings of Ascalon, were once used as a portal to the Hall of Heroes. It is unknown whether the Tomb of Drascir is located in the city of Drascir, or somewhere further north.


Warning: The following text contains spoilers relating to the plot of Prophecies.


In the Ruins of Surmia Mission, after the players free Erol from his prison, he explains to Prince Rurik that the rest of his unit is still being held captive by the Charr in Drascir. Rurik then wants to head for Drascir and free them.

I'm wondering, is drascir an accessible explorable area or outpost? Or is it not in the map?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the on;y time that you will see Drascir is in the mission and its in ruins. Even then don't expect much.

Mega Mouse

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Same goes for Rin, the current capital of Ascalon. (Despite what the game's choice of major cities would have you think, 'Ascalon City' is NOT the capital of Ascalon)

All you ever get to see of it is some buildings at the end of Nolani Academy.