Where Is Kun Shao, the Xunlai Tournament Agent???
I am supposed to get two wintergreen items for betting on the Wintergreen Tournament, but I cant find him now. Is it too late to claim the Items or will he come back at the end of the festival?
Free Runner
He was taken out in the Wintersday update (all he did was tell you about the tournament). The wintergreen weapons should be given out after the new year.
He is at my place enjoying a Very Wintersday dinner.
J/k He will be back I think after the main event completes.
J/k He will be back I think after the main event completes.
Thanks for the info guys

gaile stated yesterday the rewards are going to be put in mid-jan
so have the emails already been sent out? I havent recieved one, and I thought anyone who bet got at least one choice. This is confusing...
I was wondering about this too. Have emails been sent? Or are we just supposed to be patient?