Rate the Primary Attributes
16 Marks/13 Expertise will still leave enough for 3(+1) Wilderness Survival, which is more than enough for Winnowing (62 second duration @ 4 Wilderness Survival). Also, pets only 'blackout' the Ranger the first time they die nowadays.
1) Expertise is the best, needs to be nerf..
2) Strength is the worst on most people's list, needs to be upgraded
K A-net you hear me....

2) Strength is the worst on most people's list, needs to be upgraded

K A-net you hear me....

Originally Posted by Spike
As I said I do NOT see the use for MY ranger to use expertise as I mostly use skills which costs 5 energy.
13 would make them cost 2, which is about how much you recover between shots.
Chicken Ftw
Originally Posted by Spike
Like I would ever join a pve group full of "pro" pvpers . I did that once in tombs and it was the WROST group I EVER played with. They could'nt even clear the first lvl.
I never said that expertise was BAD for everyone. Just that I did not see the use for it on MY ranger and that he does not use it. I could'nt care less if you think thats a bad idea or not. |
As for B/P in tombs the GOOD groups take Winnowing which need Wilderness Survival, and a good lvl in that as well. So how you supposed to get that when you have put all your points in to Expertise and Marksmanship is intresting. |
Aslo if you have 0 points in Beast Mastery your skills are disabled for 10 seconds every time your pet dies. Which annoying to say the least. |
Aslo it will only rez at 10% of max health. |
Which is not good if your in need of something to protect you from a Grasp of Insanity or other nasties there. |
Done replying to you here. Going off-topic.
Originally Posted by Chicken Ftw
Obviously not pros.
Originally Posted by Chicken Ftw
Yet you keep replying.
Originally Posted by Chicken Ftw
4 BM on one Ranger, possibly two if you think one will not suffice. WOW!
Originally Posted by Chicken Ftw
Happens once. Ohesnoes.
Originally Posted by Chicken Ftw
Dies again, another minion from it. Wait, how's this bad again?
Originally Posted by Chicken Ftw
if the Grasps have made it past the pets/minions, A) Something's gone wrong, and B) Whirling Defense/Throw Dirt ftw
Strange how you ignored the other part of my post.
Made In Ascalon
Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
Only newb casters get owned by melee.
Criminally Sane
I'm curious to what your B/P build is, Spike. You don't bring any Expertise skills, or even use (arguably) the best primary attribute in the game. You apparently sometimes use Healing Prayers.
Oh, and do chill with the illiteracy comments. Coming from someone with your spelling abilities and grasp of the game, they don't mean much.

Oh, and do chill with the illiteracy comments. Coming from someone with your spelling abilities and grasp of the game, they don't mean much.
Originally Posted by Alleji
Congratulations, you pointed out the only valid reason to put more than 6 points into estorage. Want a cookie or something?
Not all eles run eprod... anet released 2 more elite skills for eles in nightfall. (Another cookie if you can name them.) |
J00 N1NJ0R!?!??!

Talk less crap. You won't have to smooth it out later.
Ether Prism is valid reason for 12 points in Energy Storage. Some Searing eles also put high points in energy storage...just because they don't have any other lines to invest in. Unconditional E management skills may be the only reason anyone invests in Energy Storage, but that's like saying healing is the only reason you'd want to invest in healing.
This discussion has nothing to do with skills, the skills do not justify a primary attribute line. Any attribute line has good and bad skills, the important thing about primary attribute lines is the side effects they have.
Strength is absolute trash, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to work the number.
Strength is absolute trash, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to work the number.
Some people think Critical Strikes does more criticals than weapon mastery.
Here's a little article I wrote for those who think so:
Here's a little article I wrote for those who think so:
16 critical strikes is really overkill, especially if you're running dagger mastery. For every level of dagger mastery, you'll also gain 1 percent of critical hits. So above 13 crit strikes, it has no use investing points in crit strikes, because you would get more damage from a higher investment in dagger mastery, and you keep your crit hit percentage. http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Dagger_Mastery Let's take my example Yanssassin build. I use 15 DM and 14 critical strikes. 15 DM = 21% crit hit , +14% from crit strikes = 35 If we would simply switch the attributes around, we get the following equation: 14 DM = 19.6% crit hit, + 15% from crit strikes = 34.6 So, in general, for making a build that uses critical strikes: Get at least 13 critical strikes. If you have left-over points, prefer putting them into your weapon mastery, unless you can get 2 more critical strike levels, and only 1 weapon mastery. Critical strikes = 1% per level Weapon Masterty = 1.3% per level I hope anybody who took the time to read this actually understood it, if not, I'll make a YanGraph, explaining it more. Bottomline: investing in the weapon mastery gives more crit hit percentage ( AND BONUS DAMAGE! don't forget! ) than investing in critical strikes. |
I demand a YanGraph.

Originally Posted by JR-
This discussion has nothing to do with skills, the skills do not justify a primary attribute line. Any attribute line has good and bad skills, the important thing about primary attribute lines is the side effects they have.
Strength is absolute trash, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to work the number. |
I am also aware that the thread isn't made to address skills. I agree entirely with Alleji's calculations and most people know the passive effect from Storage is bad energy management. When you draw conclusions and give practical advice though, aside from the actual discussion, you need to be speaking about the whole. Advice like taking points out of energy storage to invest in...gale >.>
Rusty Deth
lol so many "know it alls" in this thread.
I consider any primary that has an energy effect or givesyou energy back are the best.
I consider any primary that has an energy effect or givesyou energy back are the best.
Originally Posted by JYX
How can you say that when for Eles, the most important energy management skills they have are linked to storage? Just think about this for a second. Your investment in a primary attribute line is the whole package. Putting only 4 points into energy storage on a flash/heal party spammer because the passive effect isn't useful is obviously bad.
Expertise on the other hand is good regardless. You can run absolutely no Expertise skills, and still have very a high spec in it. Fast Casting is the same to a lesser extent.
Originally Posted by JR-
Because then you aren't talking about how good or bad an attribute line is, you are talking about whether or not it has any crucial skills that carry it. Ether Prodigy makes a spec in Energy Storage desirable, but that is an illustration of how good Prodigy is - not the attribute line.
-extra energy bad
-ether prodigy good
-expertise good
The debate is fairly frivolous. Something else to consider is that these primary attributes aren't conditional to the same degree. Whereas a ranger will be using mostly/all skills, it possible for a ritualist to have few or no spirits. Likewise, what are the chances that you're going to get no critical hits, whereas it's pretty possible in a stalemate that nobody dies.
Obviously Anet tries to balance this by increasing the effect where the skills are more conditional. This creates a situation where creativity in builds is limited because the primary effect naturally benefits certain play styles (one reason for rit focus on spirits). Also you get situations where the primary attribute's power is greatly increased if you build specifically to meet it as often as possible (such as in soul reaping+spirit spam) this encourages gimmicks.
Originally Posted by Criminally Sane
I'm curious to what your B/P build is, Spike. You don't bring any Expertise skills, or even use (arguably) the best primary attribute in the game. You apparently sometimes use Healing Prayers.
![]() Oh, and do chill with the illiteracy comments. Coming from someone with your spelling abilities and grasp of the game, they don't mean much. |
What has my grasp of the game and makeing the odd typo and/or spelling mistake got to do with another person inability to read english and my posts properly?
As for my build I use distracing shot, barrage, rebirth, healing breeze, charm aninal, comfort animal, fav winds. The 8th slot varies depending on what I or the team needs.
Healing Breeze is trash.
1. Expertise
2. Fast Casting
3. Soul Reaping
1. Expertise
2. Fast Casting
3. Soul Reaping
Rusty Deth
I do pulling in tombs and bring this...
Distracting, Savage, Concussion, Barrage, Troll, Throw Dirt, Lighting Reflexes ( Whirling Defense pissed me off) and finally rebirth. All with Marks at 16, Exp 13, and Wilderness at 6.
When I bring a pet I trade out savage and lightening for the pet skills and leave my stats alone. If I have to bring a spirit I throw out Troll.
I hardly ever use Troll and only bring it just in case in need a health buff.
Healing Breeze is so bad monks hardly bring it anymore.
Well i don't as a monk. I go full out boon/prot and have no points in healing.
Distracting, Savage, Concussion, Barrage, Troll, Throw Dirt, Lighting Reflexes ( Whirling Defense pissed me off) and finally rebirth. All with Marks at 16, Exp 13, and Wilderness at 6.
When I bring a pet I trade out savage and lightening for the pet skills and leave my stats alone. If I have to bring a spirit I throw out Troll.
I hardly ever use Troll and only bring it just in case in need a health buff.
Healing Breeze is so bad monks hardly bring it anymore.
Well i don't as a monk. I go full out boon/prot and have no points in healing.
lol @ people ranking energy storage high, it's absolute crap, probably one of the worst (with spawning)
and about strength, yes the bonus the attribute gives isn't that great but the skills under that attribute are very good
expertise and divine favor are probably the two best, divine favor is up there simply because the skills under it are very good
and about strength, yes the bonus the attribute gives isn't that great but the skills under that attribute are very good
expertise and divine favor are probably the two best, divine favor is up there simply because the skills under it are very good
Expertise is why I have a PvE ranger that is the only character I play.....I've been saying it forever even before the change to expertise. Try playing so many builds with a different attribute.
Muk Utep
One thing that Energy Storage is good for is a large chunk of burst damage. Once your energy is spent, it's useless, but it's nice for throwing out those 5-in-a-row Searing Flames, without casting other stuff in-between. That doesn't make it a great attribute though.
Originally Posted by JYX
J00 N1NJ0R!?!??! ![]() ![]() ![]() Talk less crap. You won't have to smooth it out later. |
I'm just going to use the same template as the thread starter used.
Divine Favor - At a higher level (like, past 7) it provides an excellent boost.
Soul Reaping - Amazing, it's even useful at just 5 points!
Expertise - A very noticeable difference, I like it. Not that many skills I'm too crazy about, but sitll worth dumping some points into.
Energy Storage - Now, if only I had this on other professions. OR if it did +4, haha. I'd say around medium-favored. It could have an extra perk or something with it.
Fast Casting - no noticeable difference, I kinda ignore this.
Critical Strikes - Not too fond of assassins, Not much experience in this skill. when I do make an Assassin I just do dagger and shadow arts.
Leadership - Worth it, in my opinion.
Spawning Power - Rt/N FOR TEH WIN!
Mysticisim - couple useful skills, would be good to have around 10 into it.
Strength - Complete crap. I can never tell how much it's adding to my attack.
Divine Favor - At a higher level (like, past 7) it provides an excellent boost.
Soul Reaping - Amazing, it's even useful at just 5 points!
Expertise - A very noticeable difference, I like it. Not that many skills I'm too crazy about, but sitll worth dumping some points into.
Energy Storage - Now, if only I had this on other professions. OR if it did +4, haha. I'd say around medium-favored. It could have an extra perk or something with it.
Fast Casting - no noticeable difference, I kinda ignore this.
Critical Strikes - Not too fond of assassins, Not much experience in this skill. when I do make an Assassin I just do dagger and shadow arts.
Leadership - Worth it, in my opinion.
Spawning Power - Rt/N FOR TEH WIN!
Mysticisim - couple useful skills, would be good to have around 10 into it.
Strength - Complete crap. I can never tell how much it's adding to my attack.
Thinking a little, my definitive best and worst are:
Best: Soul Reaping.
Worst: Spawning Power <- The inherent effect of this attribute is only useful in the 0,0000000001% of the all possible builds of this game. THIS crap attribute was the one that totally destroyed my idea of play a PvE ritualist when I realized he/she will be a spirit spammer forever; Don't make this mistake again ArenaNet, please don't!
Expertise is VERY good, but is not "the best" for me because is limited to attacks/touches... BTW, I use it only at exactly 5, 10 or 15. Make your own calculations and you will know why. Or see table here: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Expertise
Note: I will not talk anymore about Enery Storage because I hate owls, specially white owls, OMG (excluding the Harry Potter one)
Best: Soul Reaping.
Worst: Spawning Power <- The inherent effect of this attribute is only useful in the 0,0000000001% of the all possible builds of this game. THIS crap attribute was the one that totally destroyed my idea of play a PvE ritualist when I realized he/she will be a spirit spammer forever; Don't make this mistake again ArenaNet, please don't!

Expertise is VERY good, but is not "the best" for me because is limited to attacks/touches... BTW, I use it only at exactly 5, 10 or 15. Make your own calculations and you will know why. Or see table here: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Expertise
Note: I will not talk anymore about Enery Storage because I hate owls, specially white owls, OMG (excluding the Harry Potter one)
Moa Bird Cultist
First, the good stuff.
1: Expertise. Why? If you cant see why, you need help...
2: Divine Favour. The reason we all don't have a quazillion deaths.
3: Soul Reaping. Stuff dies, you get energy to make stuff die, which gives you energy to make stuff die...
4: Critical Strikes. Daggers, Bows and Scythes. Critical hits. Lots of damage.
5: Mysticism. Frankly, something like energy storage SHOULD have been.
6: Fast Casting. Makes all the difference every time. Because it affects all spells, there are endless combos out there
7: Spawning Power. Limited in it's uses, but what it does, it does really well.
8: Leadership. Good, for the reasons stated by people before me. Energy Management in it's own right.
And now for the trash... (And this coming from a five times ele btw...)
9: Energy Storage. As an attribute, utter [email protected] It's been said a thousand times, having a larger pool of energy makes little to no difference in the long run. An Elementalist can quite easily get all the points they need to run a perfectly competent build, just from attunement runes and a staff, let alone the radiant insignia. (although, obviously, 1 minor e-storage rune, for the extra 1 energy might make a small difference. An ele who specs in one elementalist attribute can easily have 60+ energy without spending ANY points on energy storage, letting them invest in a decent bit of energy management, like the entire inspiration magic line of skills.
10: Strength. It's so bad, it even makes energy storage look good...
You know I'm right about energy storage, too
First, the good stuff.
1: Expertise. Why? If you cant see why, you need help...
2: Divine Favour. The reason we all don't have a quazillion deaths.
3: Soul Reaping. Stuff dies, you get energy to make stuff die, which gives you energy to make stuff die...
4: Critical Strikes. Daggers, Bows and Scythes. Critical hits. Lots of damage.
5: Mysticism. Frankly, something like energy storage SHOULD have been.
6: Fast Casting. Makes all the difference every time. Because it affects all spells, there are endless combos out there
7: Spawning Power. Limited in it's uses, but what it does, it does really well.
8: Leadership. Good, for the reasons stated by people before me. Energy Management in it's own right.
And now for the trash... (And this coming from a five times ele btw...)
9: Energy Storage. As an attribute, utter [email protected] It's been said a thousand times, having a larger pool of energy makes little to no difference in the long run. An Elementalist can quite easily get all the points they need to run a perfectly competent build, just from attunement runes and a staff, let alone the radiant insignia. (although, obviously, 1 minor e-storage rune, for the extra 1 energy might make a small difference. An ele who specs in one elementalist attribute can easily have 60+ energy without spending ANY points on energy storage, letting them invest in a decent bit of energy management, like the entire inspiration magic line of skills.
10: Strength. It's so bad, it even makes energy storage look good...
You know I'm right about energy storage, too

Originally Posted by Moa Bird Cultist
...although, obviously, 1 minor e-storage rune, for the extra 1 energy might make a small difference.
Spawning power isn't all that bad.
If you are doing 1 of many different spirit's strength builds, it's essentially putting points into all your physical attack damage.
If you are using a build that uses a lot of energy it's putting points into energy usage reduction with Attuned Was Songkai.
It's a very versatile attribute, but I'm guessing that it's not favoured because the ritualist as a whole is very versatile, but isn't uber in anything and that's what seems to get people's attention.
If you are doing 1 of many different spirit's strength builds, it's essentially putting points into all your physical attack damage.
If you are using a build that uses a lot of energy it's putting points into energy usage reduction with Attuned Was Songkai.
It's a very versatile attribute, but I'm guessing that it's not favoured because the ritualist as a whole is very versatile, but isn't uber in anything and that's what seems to get people's attention.

Originally Posted by CagedinSanity
Critical Strikes - Not too fond of assassins, Not much experience in this skill. when I do make an Assassin I just do dagger and shadow arts.
I always run 13+ CS. There's no reason not too, unless you really spread your attributes around for some crazy build.
"just do dagger and shadow arts" means you'll survive with enough shadow arts, wasting your energy on heals, leaving no energy for dagger attacks. It's better to kill them, so they can't damage you, than healing through their attacks so to speak.
Originally Posted by Moa Bird Cultist
First, the good stuff. 1: Expertise. Why? If you cant see why, you need help... 2: Divine Favour. The reason we all don't have a quazillion deaths. 3: Soul Reaping. Stuff dies, you get energy to make stuff die, which gives you energy to make stuff die... 4: Critical Strikes. Daggers, Bows and Scythes. Critical hits. Lots of damage. 5: Mysticism. Frankly, something like energy storage SHOULD have been. 6: Fast Casting. Makes all the difference every time. Because it affects all spells, there are endless combos out there 7: Spawning Power. Limited in it's uses, but what it does, it does really well. 8: Leadership. Good, for the reasons stated by people before me. Energy Management in it's own right. And now for the trash... (And this coming from a five times ele btw...) 9: Energy Storage. As an attribute, utter [email protected] It's been said a thousand times, having a larger pool of energy makes little to no difference in the long run. An Elementalist can quite easily get all the points they need to run a perfectly competent build, just from attunement runes and a staff, let alone the radiant insignia. (although, obviously, 1 minor e-storage rune, for the extra 1 energy might make a small difference. An ele who specs in one elementalist attribute can easily have 60+ energy without spending ANY points on energy storage, letting them invest in a decent bit of energy management, like the entire inspiration magic line of skills. 10: Strength. It's so bad, it even makes energy storage look good... You know I'm right about energy storage, too ![]() |
Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
Thinking a little, my definitive best and worst are:
Best: Soul Reaping. Worst: Spawning Power <- The inherent effect of this attribute is only useful in the 0,0000000001% of the all possible builds of this game. THIS crap attribute was the one that totally destroyed my idea of play a PvE ritualist when I realized he/she will be a spirit spammer forever; Don't make this mistake again ArenaNet, please don't! ![]() Expertise is VERY good, but is not "the best" for me because is limited to attacks/touches... BTW, I use it only at exactly 5, 10 or 15. Make your own calculations and you will know why. Or see table here: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Expertise Note: I will not talk anymore about Enery Storage because I hate owls, specially white owls, OMG (excluding the Harry Potter one) |
Spawning is a private joke amongst the designers. I use my Ritualist. I use a Ritualist a LOT. 5% of the time I'll actually need spawning for say, Shelter, Union, Displacement and/or Wanderlust. A grand total of 4 spirits. Awesome...
What makes this all the worse is the fact that the hp gain is only 60%. Is that it? When a team is getting pounded on something serious, do people really think 60% more Shelter-time actually makes any real difference? Delusion...
Minions you say? In the most effective Ritualist Minion builds, their actual job is to die and blow the place up. Hench the name 'Minion Bomber'. Spawning aides this how?
Top of the list...? Expertise.
The fact that this attribute makes it easier for Rangers than it is for Ritualists to use Spirits is complete and utter garbage...
The worst is obvious. Just above that would be Strength (skills? Stupid idea. I think somebody tip-ex-ed out the bit saying "...all successful attacks.." and added "...skills..." in the description.
Then theres the joke that is Energy Storage... Thanks for the huge gas-tank. Anyone need to get to the end of the road? As that's as far as I can go...
Originally Posted by JYX
A. JR (and the world) = The primary attribute itself.
B. you (and nobody) = The skills within the attribute.
Originally Posted by frojack
Eh? So where did you go to school? Semantics have nothing to do with this in regards to the topic at hand. JR (and the entire thread for that matter) and you are talking about completely different subjects.
A. JR (and the world) = The primary attribute itself. B. you (and nobody) = The skills within the attribute. |
...and all this was in the context of Alleji telling people to take points from Energy Storage. If you want to discuss the pros and cons of the inherent effects without considering skills, go right ahead. Just don't make any conclusions about where to spec without considering the skills.
It'd be helpful if you'd read the entire section, get some context. cba? Too bad, don't pick up convos that are over and have nothing to do with you.
You should rate them after:
1) How they work with skills from primary profession (not the skills themselves)
2) How they work with skills from other professions (comboing)
And therefore..
1. Expertise, just excellent.
2. Fast Casting, also execellent.
3. Soul Reaping, good.
4. Critical Strikes, good.
5. Leadership, medium.
6. Divine, medium
7. Mysticism, medium
8. Spawning, medium
9. E storage, bad.
10. strength, worthless.
You should rate them after:
1) How they work with skills from primary profession (not the skills themselves)
2) How they work with skills from other professions (comboing)
And therefore..
1. Expertise, just excellent.
2. Fast Casting, also execellent.
3. Soul Reaping, good.
4. Critical Strikes, good.
5. Leadership, medium.
6. Divine, medium
7. Mysticism, medium
8. Spawning, medium
9. E storage, bad.
10. strength, worthless.
Originally Posted by JYX
Semantics have everything to do with it. JR says Energy Storage is good because the skills carry it, the line itself is still crap. I say the line has to be considered with the skills in it. Point being the conclusions drawn are exactly the same whether you decide the skills to be part of a attribute line or not.
...and all this was in the context of Alleji telling people to take points from Energy Storage. If you want to discuss the pros and cons of the inherent effects without considering skills, go right ahead. Just don't make any conclusions about where to spec without considering the skills. It'd be helpful if you'd read the entire section, get some context. cba? Too bad, don't pick up convos that are over and have nothing to do with you. |
Since this is obviously escaping you, if you we're to answer an exam question in this manner, you'd get near about zero. Or if you we're in court, you would be repeatedly asked to actually answer the question and would finally be found in contempt.
On that note, don't ever go to court...
Anyways', Critical Strikes is indeed fantastic, however I've never been fond of leaving things to chance. Regardless of how good the odds are...
Originally Posted by You just got tomahawked
well lets see I mite seem nooby but call me old school. Dolyak+Defy+endure=close to a freakin 55
You have 1000ish hp and a 55'er has, ... 55..
You have tons of armor and a 55'er has 5 or 10?
Hand of Ruin
Originally Posted by Yanman.be
Assassins simply need critical strikes. Low energy pool and high energy costs means they must regen energy quite fast, or otherwise they're useless.
I always run 13+ CS. There's no reason not too, unless you really spread your attributes around for some crazy build. "just do dagger and shadow arts" means you'll survive with enough shadow arts, wasting your energy on heals, leaving no energy for dagger attacks. It's better to kill them, so they can't damage you, than healing through their attacks so to speak. |
An example of energy storage....
Possibly one of the most energy heavy builds regularily run, the dual attunement echo nuker.
My standard build (from before factions and Nightfall)
Ele Attunement, Fire Attunement, Rodgorts innovocation, Immolate, Fireball, Arcane Echo, Meteor Shower, Rez Sig.
Running only 1 in Energy Storage (As I couldnt remove the rune), I have 53 Energy.
Even without precasting the attunements, you do not run out of energy until after Elemental Attunement has ran out. Casting order is Ele attune, Fire Attune, echo, MS, MS, Rods, Fireball, Immolate. You get a 20 energy return on MS and Rodgorts and a 9 energy return on Fireball and Immolate.
The only reason to put any points into energy storage is for the duration of elemental attunement (Needs 9 points to last 45 seconds, the recharge of itself), which used to be a no attribute spell anyway. As for exhaustion, by the time MS has recharged, the exhaustion has gone.
So energy storage, kinda pointless if you ask me.
Possibly one of the most energy heavy builds regularily run, the dual attunement echo nuker.
My standard build (from before factions and Nightfall)
Ele Attunement, Fire Attunement, Rodgorts innovocation, Immolate, Fireball, Arcane Echo, Meteor Shower, Rez Sig.
Running only 1 in Energy Storage (As I couldnt remove the rune), I have 53 Energy.
Even without precasting the attunements, you do not run out of energy until after Elemental Attunement has ran out. Casting order is Ele attune, Fire Attune, echo, MS, MS, Rods, Fireball, Immolate. You get a 20 energy return on MS and Rodgorts and a 9 energy return on Fireball and Immolate.
The only reason to put any points into energy storage is for the duration of elemental attunement (Needs 9 points to last 45 seconds, the recharge of itself), which used to be a no attribute spell anyway. As for exhaustion, by the time MS has recharged, the exhaustion has gone.
So energy storage, kinda pointless if you ask me.
Originally Posted by frojack
Er... No. What your talking about is 'changing' the topic. Not answering the question. JR's comment stands perfectly well, and is in the context of the original question drafted. Yours however is something... Else.
Since this is obviously escaping you, if you we're to answer an exam question in this manner, you'd get near about zero. Or if you we're in court, you would be repeatedly asked to actually answer the question and would finally be found in contempt. On that note, don't ever go to court... Anyways', Critical Strikes is indeed fantastic, however I've never been fond of leaving things to chance. Regardless of how good the odds are... |
I have no idea why you're getting so passionate about this. To be honest, if you want to spec nothing in Energy Storage on your util casters, I really couldn't care less. Which is what it really comes down to. If you feel the need to sling more turds, PM me. Your comments are soiling this thread.
Originally Posted by qazwersder
...As for exhaustion, by the time MS has recharged, the exhaustion has gone.
BTW, I was testing like 30 minutes with 16 Strength vs 0 Strength in the barrels in B.Temple. There ARE differences in damage specially when you have a 15^50 20/20 weapon, but ... not a BIG difference really. Conclusion? well, you don't need it too high, just as low as you need for the related skills and/or shield. But there ARE more damage, little but existing, you can use Strength at least you hopelessly need spread your attributes somewhere.
Most of the Primary Attributes are very good without skills in their line, except for Strength. It doesn't do very much IMO. However it does have some very good skills. Mysticism I think is useful, because it keeps energy up and gives a tiny hp boost. Expertise saves a boatload of energy. Divine Favor, extra healing is always a plus. Energy Storage, good for those high-cost Ele skills. Fast Casting, makes it hard for humans to interupt you. Leadership helps make up for 2 energy regen for Paragon. Critical Strikes is excelent for +damage and +energy. Spawning Power... never played a Ritualist so I wouldn't really know. Soul Reaping is amazing at keeping energy up as long as things are dieing.
1. Soul Reaping - Reaper's Mark, Signet of Lost Souls, amazing energy management when something dies. What is better?
2. Expertise - Some of the skills are bad, some are great, but overall, it makes amazing use of skills.
3. Divine Favor - Amazing skills, increase on healing, makes a monk primary.
4. Mysticism - This definiately gets 4. All the avatars are in it, helps with energy management, etc.
5. Leadership - Has awesome skills, makes 2 pips of energy not suck, and helps the party overall.
6. Critical Strikes - Assassins really need this to spam their attacks. It's great e-management, and it increases damage, but you have to stick with melee to use it.
7. Energy Storage - What's not to love about some extra energy? It definitely helps with almost anything. Ether Prodigy? MAJOR PLUS
8. Fast Casting - while not necessarily the best attribute, on a mesmer it definitely helps, especially when shortening diversion's casting time.
9. Spawning Power - At first I didn't think I should put it this low, but I think it's where it belongs. It can extend the lives of minions, and it definitely helps on spirits that lose health [wanderlust, shelter, union, earthbind, etc.] but other than that it's not useful anywhere else.
10. Strengh. Just, no. Without the skills used [bull's strike, sprint], it's just not good.
2. Expertise - Some of the skills are bad, some are great, but overall, it makes amazing use of skills.
3. Divine Favor - Amazing skills, increase on healing, makes a monk primary.
4. Mysticism - This definiately gets 4. All the avatars are in it, helps with energy management, etc.
5. Leadership - Has awesome skills, makes 2 pips of energy not suck, and helps the party overall.
6. Critical Strikes - Assassins really need this to spam their attacks. It's great e-management, and it increases damage, but you have to stick with melee to use it.
7. Energy Storage - What's not to love about some extra energy? It definitely helps with almost anything. Ether Prodigy? MAJOR PLUS
8. Fast Casting - while not necessarily the best attribute, on a mesmer it definitely helps, especially when shortening diversion's casting time.
9. Spawning Power - At first I didn't think I should put it this low, but I think it's where it belongs. It can extend the lives of minions, and it definitely helps on spirits that lose health [wanderlust, shelter, union, earthbind, etc.] but other than that it's not useful anywhere else.
10. Strengh. Just, no. Without the skills used [bull's strike, sprint], it's just not good.