non-tyrian character quest help



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Temple of the Ages

Ok so i just got prophecies and i brought my non-tyrian character to lions arch and I was trying to find the first primary quest but i found nothing . I even went traveled all the way from LA to ascalon city and found nothing. I probably(most likely) wasnt paying attention to the npc's, but can someone tell me where i can find the first primary quest for my non-tyrian armor character and who I should talk to. Thank u

AW Lore

AW Lore

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan


go back to LA, enter it, exit it, then walk your way hugging the left side wall, you will reach a mission outpost there, and from there you can keep going through the story.




Join Date: May 2005


In LA did you talk to the skills guy? He gives the quest reward for going to LA.

Also, by the stairs in front of him there is a NPC - a guide? - that has a quest which will take you to the 1st mission area.