The best string for barrage rangers?

dt the healer

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


I am interested in seeing what you guys think is the best bow string fora barrgae ranger and why?

I think there are 3 strings that could be used

Zealous, Vampric, and an Elemental

Any opionons?

marshy man

marshy man

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Join Date: Oct 2006

gardiner, me

GameAmp Guides [AMP]

vamp- take dmg, do 50+5 dmg, thats 30 health back to you for everytime u use barrage. that is if ur using all 6 shots....extra dmg and get healed. helps the monks...

T N Player

T N Player

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Bay Area


i like zealous when there is less then 3 ppl and when there is more then that, i use vamp.

if u use vamp, just make sure u are about to fight



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



In PvE: Fire string + rodgort invocation is also fun to use with barrage (maybe also conjure fire but thats alot of slots).

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

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Firey strings are indeed good with Mark of Rodgort, Conjure flame etc., but they don't work with Orders... I like Zealous if I run Concussion Shot and Vamp if I don't. ^^



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Arctic Tundra

Pints N Quarts [PsQs]

if you put points into fire and go with mark of rodgort then conjure flame + fiery string or a conflagration spirit might be an idea.
however, vampiric and zealous is the place to be. ^^

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

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another one of these threads eh? Barrage bow string i would go with hornbow and sundering or vamp string or zealous depends..



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Vampiric FTW... the others like Zealous should be used when needed. Expertise should cut down the cost of ranger skills but the spells like Conjure etc cost a bit to keep up, especially in long battles.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Arctic Tundra

Pints N Quarts [PsQs]

since we are talking about barrage - man I love Flail (nightfall, warrior.str)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

ive always used zealous..just for the extra energy, makes arrage spammable, cost 5 energy..hit 6 foes gain 6 energy.

Muk Utep

Muk Utep

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

For the R/E variant, an elemental bowstring of your choice to go with Conjure Flame/Frost/Whatever.

Otherwise: Vampiric, Zealous or Sundering. My personal favorite Barrage build is a R/P using a Sundering 15^50 of Fortitude. Barrage goes nicely with "Go for the Eyes!", and "Stand Your Ground!" is an excellent support skill as well. "Find Their Weakness!" has its uses too, if you can manage the energy.

dt the healer

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


never really like vamp, the -1degen frustraes me a lil.
Havnet yet tyred zealous and looking foward to doing so.
Elemental has always been a favourite to get that extra 10 or so damge.
But still, i cant see an out right favourite


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Vamp is my favorite for barrage. But sometimes I'll go with sundering when I don't wanna deal with the -1 health generation or bother switching bows between fights.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006


The only time I WOULDN'T run vamp when barraging is if I were using conjure fire + mark of rodgort.

+5 unconditional damage on every arrow? Yes, please. And with Barrage only costing 5e (that's 3 energy with 9 expertise), you will practically regen the lost energy by the time you fire the next volley. If you happen to get enough shots off in a row to get low on energy, then, MAYBE, you switch to a zealous string for a couple shots.

Honestly, if the -1 degen from vamp worries you, then you've got bad times ahead. That's why you keep another weapon on switch for when you're not fighting.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Your face

True Gods Of War [True]


Vamp or Zealous. They're equally as good.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

the g-string! jks... if you have a good puller then vamp.. bad puller then sunder and if you run out of energy then zealous..imo




Join Date: Nov 2005


Sundering is complete trash.

Vampiric for killing things, Zealous if you need energy - swap between them, that's what weapon sets are for.

Angelic demoness

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

Reading this thread and the price check forum I am somewhat puzzled. People here seem to value vampiric bows pretty highly, yet when I got Chiggen's Shortbow and went to check the price, it seems people can barely even give it away for free. Is there a reason behind this that I am missing? Not that I plan on selling it, I love it, especially with barrage - makes me feel invincible


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


I would guess that it's due to it being a short bow. It's faster, sure, but it doesn't have the range that a lot of Rangers like to have.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Karr's Castle


Zelous ftw. Makes almost everything spamable. I don't really have a problem with health when I'm barraging. There are so many ways to evade with a Ranger.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by marshy man
that is if ur using all 6 shots
Barrage shoots 7 Arrows, not 6.

Originally Posted by onerabbit
makes Barrage spammable, cost 5 energy..hit 6 foes gain 6 energy.
Barrage is already spammable costs 3 or 2 energy after expertise, you gain about 2 energy in between your wait for next shot, thats about 1 energy for barrage.

Originally Posted by nickhimself
Vamp or Zealous. They're equally as good.
Wrong Vamp gives you the extra "damage" and zealous gives you the energy to use other skills.They are both good in their own area , thats a better way to say it

Originally Posted by jedimagician
the g-string! jks... if you have a good puller then vamp.. bad puller then sunder and if you run out of energy then zealous..imo
Somewhat vague but he/she gots a point , depends on the situtation.

Originally Posted by JR-
Sundering is complete trash.
Coudnt agree with you more

Originally Posted by Darksun
Zelous ftw. Makes almost everything spamable. I don't really have a problem with health when I'm barraging. There are so many ways to evade with a Ranger
Remember GW is a team game, maybe you dont need the health but you could be helping your team with it.Add a vampiric mod to that bow get monk as secondary put vigorous spirit and infuse health and barrage in your bar.
(Let your monk know what your doing)
Use infuse on anyone that his/her health is dropping fast and near death,Hit the mob groups twice and your health is back to full you saved your teammate and helped your monk.

Edit: Angelic: Look at the skin, it has the same skin as a caged shortbow,greens sell for good money if they have a nice skin, cause theyr mods are not changeble the skin is the only thing that matters. (Drago's ,Urgozz's etc )



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


I think the best bowstring for barrage just depends on the situation... i have all 4 weaponslots equiped:

* 1 zealous when i need energy
* 1 vampiric for doing most damage while playing in a b/p team (but only when i can hit a few enemies at once)
* 1 sundering (between fights or when i am too lazy to switch bows, or when fighting only 1 enemy)
* 1 elemental bowstring when not playing in a b/p team (with elemental damage you wont gain the benefits of winnowing/order of the vampire/order of pain)



Furnace Stoker

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Dark Alley [dR]

Originally Posted by JR-
Vampiric for killing things, Zealous if you need energy - swap between them, that's what weapon sets are for.
ding ding ding. we have a winner.

I personally switch between both quite often. both can work wonders

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Use either Vamp or Zealous, I prefer Vamp and with good positioning you will be seeing numbers fly across the screen when arrows hit .Same can apply top Zealous.

dt the healer

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


Yer, i think we have a draw, Zealous and vamp should both be used for a barrage ranger. But now i am curious about attribute points, what are the best att points for a b/p?


Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

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I run 16 Marksmanship, 13 Expertise and 3 Healing Prayers... for Restful Breeze



Academy Page

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Fires of Wisdom [wise]


I prefer a zealous string when running my Barrage ranger. I'll run a monk secondary so i can utilize vigorous spirit as well. It's a great energy/health management combo, imo.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Inde is Smoking [Hawt] *ToA*


Originally Posted by Angelic demoness
Reading this thread and the price check forum I am somewhat puzzled. People here seem to value vampiric bows pretty highly, yet when I got Chiggen's Shortbow and went to check the price, it seems people can barely even give it away for free. Is there a reason behind this that I am missing? Not that I plan on selling it, I love it, especially with barrage - makes me feel invincible
Thats because most pve players are ignorant and believe that sundering is the best mod ever and hate vamp because it has a measly -1 degen on it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

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Teh Nine [lll]


I prefer Zealous but Vamp is just as good. As for attributes, I usually run 16 Marksmanship, 10 Expertiese, and 10 Wilderness Survival.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


I never have energy troubles when i barrage... So therefor i never use Zealous, so i don't really value it! Vamp is a must in my opinion though. The lifestealing feature is just way to tasty for it not to be!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Amazon Basin


I also use vamp because I never have energy problems running barrage with a 16/13/4 Marksmanship/Expertise/Wilderness Survival split. Even back when I ran with only 9 expertise I only ran into energy troubles if I spammed Savage Shot too often.