GWF being cut out
count your fingers
Hey guys, what I don't understand is why this "stand alone" game is cut out of at least the last two events (Halloween & Wintersday). I think it must be a bit of a letdown for people buying the game to realise that they can't join in these events without purchasing another game.
Sure the event isn't a "necessity" but I guess Arenanet think it's important enough to spend a while coding npcs and events and maps.
It seems that, while my favourite from both PvP and PvE aspects, GWF is viewed by many players as the least "fun" game out there. I would have thought that the GW Crew would want to remedy this, rather than further alienate their product.
Sure the event isn't a "necessity" but I guess Arenanet think it's important enough to spend a while coding npcs and events and maps.
It seems that, while my favourite from both PvP and PvE aspects, GWF is viewed by many players as the least "fun" game out there. I would have thought that the GW Crew would want to remedy this, rather than further alienate their product.
Muk Utep
Canthas has its own festivals.
Malice Black
Plus it is the least popular game.
It's been said that the not all continents get every single event. Cantha got the Tengu event and the Dragon Festival, and LA and Kamadan got the Wintersday and Halloween event, so I guess each continent only gets two events. Too bad they don't all get every event.
I really want to see a Wintersday-ie Kainenge or a dragon festival-y LA and Kamadan.

I'm guessing when Chinese New Years rolls around, there will be a Factions only event. That should be in a month or two.
I think that the Dragon Festival is supposed to be the Factions equivalent to the Chinese new year.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
talk about being left out. I bought GWP 1 week before Factions came I had to sit by and watch as event after event (weekend included) went by with no love for GWP and I totally felt ripped off...and I just had to suck it up i guess I am saying nana nana boo boo suck it up :P
Originally Posted by Coridan
talk about being left out. I bought GWP 1 week before Factions came I had to sit by and watch as event after event (weekend included) went by with no love for GWP and I totally felt ripped off...and I just had to suck it up i guess I am saying nana nana boo boo suck it up :P
Now i'm kind of enjoying that Factions doesnt get events

But that will change when the dragon festival comes

The PVP snowball fight is available to all chapters from the Great Temple of Balthazar. There are also 2 candysmiths present in the arena waiting area.
So a Factions only player gets no Wintersday hat, but still can run around with a candycane weapon or shield.
So a Factions only player gets no Wintersday hat, but still can run around with a candycane weapon or shield.
Smile Like Umean It
And that's more the GWP ever got when Cantha had it's events.
In addition to being "cut out" of SOME of the festivites there's also the issue of Vizunah Square... no one's there on the Canthan side? (EU districts, during daytime, GMT) Is there a workaround to this, or am i just in the sیts on that?
factions and cantha are by far anet's biggest failure. why even bother with it? respect anet.
count your fingers
Why even bother with it? Are you saying Anet should just give up on anything that doesn't work then? o.O
I personally enjoyed Factions more than Prophecies, even though the storyline was incredibly similar. I do respect Anet, but would lose all respect completely if they did what you suggested and "gave up" on it.
I personally enjoyed Factions more than Prophecies, even though the storyline was incredibly similar. I do respect Anet, but would lose all respect completely if they did what you suggested and "gave up" on it.
This isn't really the place to discuss the pro's and con's of each chapter or to discuss which is better or worse.
Also, as stated - each chapter has it's own event's based on it's background, history and setting. While Nightfall and Prophecies did share the same holidays, Cantha has it's own holiday's. No chapter is being "left out" - each holiday has some relevance to the setting.
(and to those who want to argue about Christmas/Halloween in Nightfall.. please remember that a lot of African countries were taken over/founded/colonized and ruled by Europeans for years.. and they did bring over their celebrations to those countries.)
Thread closed.
Also, as stated - each chapter has it's own event's based on it's background, history and setting. While Nightfall and Prophecies did share the same holidays, Cantha has it's own holiday's. No chapter is being "left out" - each holiday has some relevance to the setting.
(and to those who want to argue about Christmas/Halloween in Nightfall.. please remember that a lot of African countries were taken over/founded/colonized and ruled by Europeans for years.. and they did bring over their celebrations to those countries.)
Thread closed.