Hello everyone,
I'm trying to decide if I should buy the three GW games, and am trying to do a bit of research before I fork out 150 bucks...I am coming to GW from WoW, and the main reason I hated WoW, was because you either leveled your character for PVE, or you leveled your character for PVP, and you could not have a character that would fare well in both. Also, I think a character should be able to advance in level and power through PVP...is this possible in GW? Another thing, how group-reliant is the PVE aspect of the game? I plan on making a PVE character and getting him to 20/PVP and everything, and I for the most part am a soloist, but I definitely love grouping with people when I can get a good group. How difficult is it to advance solo? Are henchmen essentially group-members, and you're able to do pretty much any mission with them? Are Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall all necessary, or recommended? If somebody could let me know some pros and cons of this game, I would truly appreciated it.
GW questions
Keira Darkwind
I would suggest buying the latest chapter and trying it out before shelling out money for all 3. Nightfall has the benefit of heroes, which will vastly help you out with soloing. Then if you like it, buy the other 2
They are not truly expansions, but standalone games, so you don't have to have one to be able to play another.
There is the advantage of having all 3 especially PVP wise that you will have access to all the skills available.
You can level a character in PVE and use them in PVP, or you can make a PVP character that is max level and has access to all the skills you have unlocked. The difference with GW PVE/PVP is that the attribute points (like talent points in WOW) can be changed in any outpost without the need to spend gold on it , so you can switch your build around very easily.
You can certainly solo with the henchmen and heroes, I personally like to play with real people but it's very possible to manage without them. You can form a party of real people or heroes/henchmen in any outpost/town.

There is the advantage of having all 3 especially PVP wise that you will have access to all the skills available.
You can level a character in PVE and use them in PVP, or you can make a PVP character that is max level and has access to all the skills you have unlocked. The difference with GW PVE/PVP is that the attribute points (like talent points in WOW) can be changed in any outpost without the need to spend gold on it , so you can switch your build around very easily.
You can certainly solo with the henchmen and heroes, I personally like to play with real people but it's very possible to manage without them. You can form a party of real people or heroes/henchmen in any outpost/town.
I don't do PvP, but as I understand it, you can either take your PvE character to PvP and/or create a PvP-only character which starts with max lvl20 and max stat armor.
Check http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Main_Page
The wiki should be able to answer all your basic questions and beyond.
Check http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Main_Page
The wiki should be able to answer all your basic questions and beyond.
One final question, and I really appreciate everyones help...if I get a character to 20 in prophecies, will it limit me from any content in the latter 2 games?
If I start with Nightfall, will I be able to participate in PVP as I level like in Prophecies?
No, you can transfer your level 20 Prophecies character to Nightfall and play all missions with him there.=P
Keira Darkwind
Originally Posted by Machete
One final question, and I really appreciate everyones help...if I get a character to 20 in prophecies, will it limit me from any content in the latter 2 games?