i Got all my account info but cant switch to new mail!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


i got all my account info to log on to GW in the login screen,but i want to move my account to another registerd e-mail that i got(the new one) but the thing is i forgot the password to the account my GW is registerd(the old one) so there for i cant move my GW acount to my new mail,but i still can log on to GW so what can i do to move my GW account to my new mail????

i realy want the GW account to be registerd to my new e-mail this is kinda messed up what should i do i have the gamecard numbers and all,i tried to get a hold of GW support but when i looked it up at guildwars.com it was very confusing,so now iam looking for some help here..



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Galactic President Superstar Mc [awsm]


Apperantly, you have the auto log-in, because otherwise you'd obviously remember it. So here's what to do:

1: Right click the shortcut to gw.exe
2: Click properties
3: Look at the "Target", it says:
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -password=XXXXXXX
4: Voila, you've got your password again.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

ok this is weird i did a request to change my e-mail ingame you know where you Edit your account ok,now i did get confirmation link into my new e-mail BUT i canr acces my old e mail but when i confirmed the change in my new -email i got this!

you recently requested to change your email address/Guild Wars account name. Before this change can take effect, one of the following conditions must be satisfied:

* You click the "accept" link in the emails sent to both your old and new email addresses;
* You click the "accept" link in the email sent to your new email address, and the email sent to your old email address bounces or is returned;
* You click the "accept" link in the email sent to your new email address and don't respond from your old email address within seven days.

If one of the above conditions has been satisfied, you may begin logging into your Guild Wars account with your new email address.

so does this mean i will get my new e-mail addres in 7Days cause i just Confirmed the changes on my new e-mail and npt the old one there for i should get my new e-mail in 7days?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Galactic President Superstar Mc [awsm]


Yes, if you used the third condition ( The * You click the "accept" link in the email sent to your new email address and don't respond from your old email address within seven days. ) you can use your new e-mail in 7 days.