prices of weapons


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


can someone explain me why there is such a difference in prices between
a sword with req 9
a sword with req 12

cause if i wield a sword, i always have 14+ attribute-points spend in swordmanship, and you cant do more damage with a req 9 then with a req 12 if you have 14+ on it, can you?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

I think its because with many builds you will use a particular sword just for the attributes and never actually intend on hitting anything with it. The lower req allows you to get full use of the attributes while dumping points into the reqs your build actually needs.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


it's because low requirements are rare

low supply and high demand = high price.

there is no difference whatsoever in performance once you've reached the actual requirement, and if you do not have at least 14 weaponmastery as a warrior, you shouldn't be playing it anyway...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


most of it comes down to personal desire. the search for the perfect weapon. Although if you are using the warrior profession as a secondary you may want a lower req weapon so you can get the bonus' from it..although you are correct in stating that it does no more "raw" damage as a matter a fact.

If you have 12+ in your weapon attribute u do 100% of the raw damage 6-28 (axe) if you meet the req of your weapon

Where as

If you only have put enough points in your weapon attribute to meet your weapon's req you only do a certain percentage of the maximum range(raw damage). Although you do gain the modifiers such as +30hps 20% enchants etc...

for more info

or just try doing a search here...on guru.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by Coridan
If you only have 9 in your weapon attribute you only do a certain percentage of the maximum range.
who is doing that

and i can wield a totem axe, gaining all stats wit 0 on axe-mastery



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


^^so you are saying that you have 0 in your axe attribute and still gain the 20% enchanting and 20/20 sundering and +5 energy??? I would need to see it to believe it...if your not saying that then I am sorry I misunderstood you (EDIT: althought I think i will test this for myself :P)

All I was trying to say is that if

You have a weapon that is req 9

and you only run 9 in the attribute then you do not do the maximum RAW damage that that weapon can do.


IF you run atleast 12 you do the maximum RAW damage and anything over 12 does 100% + .... again speaking about RAW damage..not skills and linked skills to that attribute.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by Coridan
^^so you are saying that you have 0 in your axe attribute and still gain the 20% enchanting and 20/20 sundering and +5 energy??? I would need to see it to believe it
I can safely say that you do gain the 20/20, 20% Enchant and the +5 Energy even if you don't have warrior as primary or secondary. My Mo/R uses the Totem Axe for the 20% Enchant and the +5 Energy and as a Mo/R I don't even have Axe Mastery available on the character.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

If you don't meet the req of a weapon only your dmg output is effected.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


Originally Posted by Azagoth
I can safely say that you do gain the 20/20, 20% Enchant and the +5 Energy even if you don't have warrior as primary or secondary. My Mo/R uses the Totem Axe for the 20% Enchant and the +5 Energy and as a Mo/R I don't even have Axe Mastery available on the character.
Excellent, I was under the mistaken assumption that you HAD to meet the req inorder to gain any "benefit" from an item.. Thanks for clearing that up for me.....



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


Only the part where the req is listed in the items stats is affected, so with offhands for example the +energy is lowered if you don't meet its reqs but all the effects still apply. Shields just armor value, and weapons just damageare affected, including staves which still give full energy and mods.
The main reason anyone would want a lower req weapon other than rarity alone aka vanity (within their primary profession i.e. bow and ranger) is for greater flexibility of builds. Warriors it's slightly less of an issue except for solo farming where you'll need multiple attribute lines buffed up for more challenging farms. Rangers for example don't always focus on pure damage... I know unbelievable. A lower req bow will allow for max expertise and a high wilderness, or allowing a bow that can be swapped on and effectively used while trapping.