26 Dec 2006 at 19:07 - 2
The most common chest run locations are (for 600gp keys) in chapters 1-3 are:
Shiverpeak keys;
-Ice Floe (hexes)
-Witman's folly
Darkstone Keys;
-Hell's Precipice
Kurzick keys;
-Melandru's Hope (hexes, knockdowns, cripple)
-Drazach Thicket (hexes, knockdowns, cripple)
Luxon keys;
-Silent Surf (hexes, knockdowns)
-Gyala Hatchery Explorable (hexes, knockdowns)
Forbidden keys;
-Raisu Palace (hexes)
Vabbian keys;
-Mirror of Lyss (hexes, cripple)
Ancient Elonian keys;
-various desolation zones
Your profit will depend heavily on the drops - due to the market for weapon mods, Elonian chests are more stable somewhat as you can sell inscriptions even if the skin/req is poor. Your build should contain a few running skills (Charge, Sprint), skills to counter the things you'll encounter (hexes, cripples, knockdowns, etc. I noted the ones I remember by zone on the list), and some healing (healing signet and a signet of stamina for the healthcap boost).