Trading Spam...*sighs*
An auction house would fill an important role. Stabilize prices and allows non trader to know what the value of items are without being in the "traders circle".
I do think it will cut down the spam depending on how it would be implemented.
I do think it will cut down the spam depending on how it would be implemented.
About the trade feature in party search not being any use I disagree. Been doing alot of trading lately (yes I also hate people trading in normal chat) and always put it up there, people from other districts can then see what I have to offer w/o me having to hop between all of them, while I can put it up in trade channel of dist1 (where most sellers and potential buyers usually are)
I generally put it up again in trade channel a few seconds after I can't see it anymore with only trade channel turned on.
I generally put it up again in trade channel a few seconds after I can't see it anymore with only trade channel turned on.
Originally Posted by Phoenix Ex
One big reason is that the current trade system SUCKS.
So many times I wanted to buy something, and go "ohh, no one is selling it", only to look again and realized that I missed the seller with what I want in the mess of words. Not only is the seller frustrated cuz a lot of potential buyer will miss his post, but the buyer themselves often get annoyed themselves. The "P" trading system isn't even close to an improvement, in fact I find it worse than just typing in chat (trade chat mind you). Why? 1. You can only advertise ONE item at a time 2. Even advertising one item there isn't enough word space to type detail and pricing. 3. Still isn't automatic . Obviously local spamming works for people, I suspect quite a lot of buyers deliberately look in the less cluttered color channel so that they won't get a headache reading. |
When there are big events like this, you can expect trading to be at it's highest. If it annoys you turn the trade channel off, if that doesn't help go to another district if you are trying to talk. Point being, people will always spam the regular channel, especially if you mention it to them.
I think an auction house could help. of course it shouldn't be for selling inscriptions or stuff like that. Greens, golds and things of decent value. It could also help people who have no clue about items, their stats and value of said item. I run across alot of people who have no clue about these things and have to point them to wiki. I still see people trying to mod greens...
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Tempy
I guess I just don't understand the whole concept of "IF you don't like it turn off the channel!" I don't think we should have to turn off the ALL channel, because of it.
Cheeva B
Maybe local and trade chat should have a timed filter. You cant say anything within say 3 seconds of your last post. This of course wouldnt apply to guild/alliance/team/whispers chats. If you spam in guild or alliance chat, your guild officers have the option to take action and team leaders can kick you.
Maybe even a "Notify ANET" button beside your chat so your screenshot, time, date, etc can be stamped upon the report and you wont have to goto the web and lose out on game time. The report having a window asking who you are reporting. Repeated spam (like those who do it just to do it) of the notify button brings about a self ban. They could also use a link (like clicking someones name for whispers) that asks if you want to whisper this person or ignore this person to make things go faster. More people would use the ignore feature that way and the more people that ignore the same person could send a flag to ANET saying "hey somethings wrong, so many people are ignoring this person, lets see why"
Maybe even a "Notify ANET" button beside your chat so your screenshot, time, date, etc can be stamped upon the report and you wont have to goto the web and lose out on game time. The report having a window asking who you are reporting. Repeated spam (like those who do it just to do it) of the notify button brings about a self ban. They could also use a link (like clicking someones name for whispers) that asks if you want to whisper this person or ignore this person to make things go faster. More people would use the ignore feature that way and the more people that ignore the same person could send a flag to ANET saying "hey somethings wrong, so many people are ignoring this person, lets see why"
Originally Posted by Muk Utep
I am in no way against people attempting to sell their items. I don't even mind if they use every acceptable way of doing it - using the trade channel, the new party function, and district-hopping. What bothers me is when the way they do it is:
Player 1: wtb sundering mod for sword Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 3: Selling Book of Secrets Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 4: wts the deathbringer pst Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME This idiotic, selfish and utterly childish habit of uncontrollable spamming that so many players find a need to do. It absolutely destroys the channels, causing the vast majority of players to toggle them off, and it's not just when people want to sell something - I constantly see someone spamming repeatedly that they're LFP MISSION BONUS and whatnot. Even in a half-empty outpost where noone else is using the channel, these people have the basic instinct that their needs come at the expense of everything else in the world, and their habit of selfish spamming is so big a part of them that they don't even realize that a single input is sufficient when there's noone else actively using that chat medium. I hate it with a fury, and I would ban these people if I had the ability. An auction house would be excellent. I don't think it will eliminate spammers, people will always try to use every way possible to get what they want, but that doesn't make an AH less useful. Those of us who don't want to sit around for hours if we have something to sell, or don't want to converse with an 11 year old spamming idiot when we want to buy something, would benefit greatly from such a feature. I'm completely in favor of the introduction of an AH, not as a cure to the spam, but simply because it'd be darn convenient. What we need (and I have no clue why it's not there) is a spam filter. It's laughably easy to code, even for a novice coder, and should take no time at all for a professional one to manage. I posted it in the suggestions forum a few days ago but there's no harm in repeating it here. This is how it'd work: An on/off toggle that, when on, purges any message that has been repeated within the span of, say, 10 seconds. This means that if someone spams the same message 5 times in as many seconds, you'd only see the first message, and the rest would be caught by the filter. There's no disadvantage to it, it can't be abused in any way, it wouldn't interfere with any of the game's functions, it would be a tremendous help with the current spammer problems... and it could be coded in the time it takes to brew a pot of coffee. I'll do it myself if ANet asks me to. To prevent the attempts at circumventing this system which people will inevitably do, in their selfish crusades to make the world revolve around them, you could even implement it so that if a big enough portion of the previous message is repeated, it's also purged by the spam filter. Thus thwarting the idiots who will undoubtedly try to... Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME1 Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME2 Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME3 Player 2: WTS CC SHARDS WISP ME4 Please do us this huge (and effortless) favor, ANet, or give me a valid reason why you haven't. |
That is exactly what I am talking about.
^^ The worst thing about spammers like described above is, as soon as one person starts doing that, it only encourages others to do so.. the faster that chat window is flying, the more people start spamming their message 2, 3, 4 times at once.
I agree with the above post that it's selfish at it's heart.. but I also think alot of these people end up feeling they NEED to do it because, as can be seen in a really crowded town, that list flies by so quick.. you message just shoots off the screen in < a second. It just feeds on itself, spiraling out of control. Obviously if everyone just posted once, it'd be a huge improvement.. but no one is going to be "first" to do it. They just do what they have to do to keep it up there as often as they can.
It seems like it's hopeless to ever see any kind of normal chat in some areas. It's just a flowing billboard.
I agree with the above post that it's selfish at it's heart.. but I also think alot of these people end up feeling they NEED to do it because, as can be seen in a really crowded town, that list flies by so quick.. you message just shoots off the screen in < a second. It just feeds on itself, spiraling out of control. Obviously if everyone just posted once, it'd be a huge improvement.. but no one is going to be "first" to do it. They just do what they have to do to keep it up there as often as they can.
It seems like it's hopeless to ever see any kind of normal chat in some areas. It's just a flowing billboard.
The ability to link an item to trade channel would also be hugely beneficial. That way you wouldn't have all the <<<<<<<<<< WTS XXXXXX>>>>>>>>>> crap that we see, as people try & make theire messages stand out.
All you would see is WTS XXXX (in green, gold, purple)
All you would see is WTS XXXX (in green, gold, purple)
Originally Posted by Tempy
I guess I just don't understand the whole concept of "IF you don't like it turn off the channel!" I don't think we should have to turn off the ALL channel, because of it. I mean there are now 2 different TRADE areas, and one let's you spam all districts at the same time.
If you ask them to stop they get rude and nasty. I enjoy sitting in districts and answering questions but you can rarely see the questions anymore unless they spam them too (which is irratating too). Sometimes I swear we should do a great big boycott of everyone that won't use the trade channels...LOL. But I guess until then off with the ALL chat it is. Loved the Wintersday event!!! Hope everyone is enjoying it too. Happy Hunting~Tempy |
Sending a whisper to the person saying. I am interested in the trade you offer .. unfortunately my god forbids me to trade with a person who spams in all-channel (or who obviously has a broken caps-lock key)
Sometimes i do get a rude answer, adding that person to my friends list (so i can get all his character names in a few days) and then ignoring him for the rest of his in-game life.
whisper *player* spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam
Rinse, repeat a couple of times followed by.
Whisper*player* How does it feel?
Rinse, repeat a couple of times followed by.
Whisper*player* How does it feel?
- Gobby -
Well, i guess this doesnt affect me as i dont mind and have got used to not being able to have a nice quite chat in a outpost like Droks or Kaineng. The only time i go there is to sell an item or buy...and i bet most of u have spammed to get an item i know i have...
The party search "Trade" section would probably help a lot more if there was enough room to properly describe and price the item you have for sale.
The current limit on the number of characters is not even sufficient enough to type "wts (insert name of weapon+mods) req 10, 25K"
If they can't describe the item they want to sell correctly then players are never going to use it.
The current limit on the number of characters is not even sufficient enough to type "wts (insert name of weapon+mods) req 10, 25K"
If they can't describe the item they want to sell correctly then players are never going to use it.
Lamont Shadow
I heartily agree - there is not enough room to describe your trade. That is especially confusing right now when you can't tell if the person is buying/selling ectos or frozen ectos, obsidian shards or candy cane shards because they didn't have enough room to specify. I try to use the search option as much as possible but manytimes there is just not enough room to make it workable. And, of course, players have quickly learned that almost nobody is using search because of the limitation so they go back to using chat. If they want it to be used in place of chat they will have to increase the space or it will quickly become and remain an unused feature for most players.
Demo Something
Originally Posted by JediKnight
All you would see is WTS XXXX (in green, gold, purple)
Kendar Muert
Originally Posted by natuxatu
I was thinking that too... (that something should be done.)
Two thing would really help in my opinion. A real auction house so people have their items in the AH instead of in their inventory. (Wouldn't make sense to spam since buyers will be at the AH anyway.) Also I was thinking that guild wars should take away the up arrow to go the previous message feature. That way people would have to type it in each time and would thus discourage the spam and encourage the current trade in the seach feature. (Yes you could still copy/paste but again it's still a little extra work to do over and over, and they'd have to get into the habbit of doing it differently so the majority would just stick it the search trade.) |
If they took away that arrow id be screwed. I use it a TON, because my guildies are too lazy to scroll up, and i use it when im running- i provide detail with my run messages, so i fill up the bar. I support anti spamming, but i need that little arrow.
Cheeva B
I actually used to open trade with spammers and just sit. They'd cancel after a bit and I'd reopen. I figured if I couldn't read chat because of the rediculous amount of time they spam, why let them do any trading. Sure, I got the occasional mean whisper asking what I wanted to buy or telling me to stop, but I would ask the same ol thing we all hate. "you buy?" They'd run around town and try to lose me, and yea Im sure they got a trade or 2 in. But I got my point across and a lil revenge at the same time. They'd switch districts after awhile and they were outta the district I was in's hair. Maybe instead of boycotting, try that lol. Enough people do it across the board and maybe some of these jerks will get the hints.
As for linking and that kind of thing, you'll still have people spamming "look at my junk, click my link", or whatever they want to use.
Edit: Kendar, I've seen runners do that and I think its pretty professional to think of it without having to run and type at the same time. Props to you
Maybe kill the up arrow in local chat. A runner can still use it in team for their services rendered
As for linking and that kind of thing, you'll still have people spamming "look at my junk, click my link", or whatever they want to use.
Edit: Kendar, I've seen runners do that and I think its pretty professional to think of it without having to run and type at the same time. Props to you
Maybe kill the up arrow in local chat. A runner can still use it in team for their services rendered
Priest Of Sin
*dons flame retardent armor*
In World Of Warcraft, the Auction House is the widely-accepted method of trading. There is VERY little spam in the "world", because the players ALWAYS did it by auction house. The problem is that GW players have to deal with trying to sell something in town....
Kamadan, AD1 is TRUELY like a bazaar. The chat makes an incomprehensible jumble of mish-mashed words and phrases, and you can't usually make them out for the life of you. Just like in a real open-air market, people are screaming, trying to get your attention to buy useless crap.
Oh well. Auction house would be pretty cool, but I guess we'll just have to use Guru for now
In World Of Warcraft, the Auction House is the widely-accepted method of trading. There is VERY little spam in the "world", because the players ALWAYS did it by auction house. The problem is that GW players have to deal with trying to sell something in town....
Kamadan, AD1 is TRUELY like a bazaar. The chat makes an incomprehensible jumble of mish-mashed words and phrases, and you can't usually make them out for the life of you. Just like in a real open-air market, people are screaming, trying to get your attention to buy useless crap.
Oh well. Auction house would be pretty cool, but I guess we'll just have to use Guru for now
I don't turn off the all channel because of the trade spam that is there in lower districts, I turn it off because of all the other horrible stuff that is said there. Seriously, you kids who can't get away with saying all the vile things that pop into your mind when you are around real people, need to remember that there are real people on the other side of the monitor. Some day your cozy habit of hiding behind internet anonimity is going to come back to bite you.
Sasuke The Betrayer
What I'd like to be implemented is something like a beginning sentence that would describe all things you're seling, then when people want to know more, they click it and there's a large paragraph for the things you want. Also.. it annoys me how this continuously happens (Not once have I ever done the normal district party joining EVER):
Player One: kk, meet me in dis 4 kamadan
Me: Uh, I invited you to my party. Just accept and you'll join
Player One: Which district are you in?
Me: ?? 1, why do you ask?
Player One moves to district 1 manually
Me: *sigh*
Player One: Where are you?
Me: I'm on the far corner of the map, near the traders in the back
Player One walks all the way and takes up more time.
How annoying.
Player One: kk, meet me in dis 4 kamadan
Me: Uh, I invited you to my party. Just accept and you'll join
Player One: Which district are you in?
Me: ?? 1, why do you ask?
Player One moves to district 1 manually
Me: *sigh*
Player One: Where are you?
Me: I'm on the far corner of the map, near the traders in the back
Player One walks all the way and takes up more time.
How annoying.
What Anet Really Needs to Do is Make the Trade System MORE effective. The Simple Party Search then post: "WTB Blah Blah Blah," isn't At all detailed. In addition, it ONLY works in the town they're now in (Districts and All...). Though the party search method of trading is one step closer to being very useful, it lacks the proper aspects to how to interest buyers and sellers. To elaborate more, After a player types in the "WTB /or WTS Blah blah blah..." and selects the option trade, there needs to be a NEW window that opens up more useful options. Such options are "Method of Trade" (Selling, Trading, Buying). Then another option would be like "Method of Transaction" (Transfer to Player, or Transfer to Storeage. But.... W/e What the party search needs to do is:
1) Allow Players to Give DETAILED EXPLANATIONS about there item
2) Allow Other Players That Are Currently in that w/e Campaign See your Advertisement
3) Allow The Player to select ways of selling or buying or trading. (eBay Style or The Classic "Pay Me This amount.")
4) Seperate Trade From "Party Search" (Have its OWN Window)
5) Make trades Scam Free, by allowing players to trade in huger sums of Gold.
6) After a Trade is Complete, there should be like a receipt of the time you traded, district, with whom, w/e (For Report Issues)
These are some of the little ideas I'd hope to see. If these are made into the game, you'll surely see less or virtually no spamming in local channel about trade. All because this method offers people on both ends LESS HASSALE.
I could tell you some of the hassales to trading but I think yall know about that part really well!
1) Allow Players to Give DETAILED EXPLANATIONS about there item
2) Allow Other Players That Are Currently in that w/e Campaign See your Advertisement
3) Allow The Player to select ways of selling or buying or trading. (eBay Style or The Classic "Pay Me This amount.")
4) Seperate Trade From "Party Search" (Have its OWN Window)
5) Make trades Scam Free, by allowing players to trade in huger sums of Gold.
6) After a Trade is Complete, there should be like a receipt of the time you traded, district, with whom, w/e (For Report Issues)
These are some of the little ideas I'd hope to see. If these are made into the game, you'll surely see less or virtually no spamming in local channel about trade. All because this method offers people on both ends LESS HASSALE.
I could tell you some of the hassales to trading but I think yall know about that part really well!
Whisper Evenstar
Party search needs to be updated to allow as much text as the chat channels before anyone will start to use it.... its far too short in length to be useful atm (i hate spamming, so try to use it anyway).
If Anet could make this simple fix it would help a lot - a better system like an auction house is prob best for long term tho....
If Anet could make this simple fix it would help a lot - a better system like an auction house is prob best for long term tho....
Again, the most wanted addition to the game? I think so. I know Anet has made a kind of effort with the search panel trade section, and maybe, just maybe it was a temp. thing before they release the real trade house (hope so). Anyway, you see anyone spamming chat with trade, harras em, they soon stop.
As I argued in a post a few months ago, rather than improvement of the system or punishment of spammers, the best solution is for ANet to issue a clear statement of their position on tradespamming to spammers.
Furthermore, they need to let us know publicly and blatantly that they DO give bans (of exponentially increasing lengths for repeated offenses) to spammers to discourage spamming.
Anyway, I also don't buy or sell to people spamming the local channel with trade messages. However...I do whisper them to tell them that I have what they want, and that I won't sell it to them because they aren't using the trade channel.
I have encouraged a few people to use the trade channel by asking them politely to use the trade channel for buying or selling. Some people are quite rude in response, but some are nice and agree to do it...and some don't even know what the trade channel is...
As for the Auction House---this is just like the "give us mounts" request: this isn't World of Warcraft, so don't expect it to be. The search panel is great for trading, and the only improvement we need is a mouseover system to see an item being sold, and a convenient way to sell multiple items (such as the massive numbers of weapon mods lying around...with a rune trader, why not a max mod trader?).
Furthermore, they need to let us know publicly and blatantly that they DO give bans (of exponentially increasing lengths for repeated offenses) to spammers to discourage spamming.
Anyway, I also don't buy or sell to people spamming the local channel with trade messages. However...I do whisper them to tell them that I have what they want, and that I won't sell it to them because they aren't using the trade channel.
I have encouraged a few people to use the trade channel by asking them politely to use the trade channel for buying or selling. Some people are quite rude in response, but some are nice and agree to do it...and some don't even know what the trade channel is...
As for the Auction House---this is just like the "give us mounts" request: this isn't World of Warcraft, so don't expect it to be. The search panel is great for trading, and the only improvement we need is a mouseover system to see an item being sold, and a convenient way to sell multiple items (such as the massive numbers of weapon mods lying around...with a rune trader, why not a max mod trader?).
Why is it that everyone has to relate MMORPGs to WoW..... Asherons Call 2 was so much more better than WoW and came out far before WoW was released. for one thing you were able to summon huge Dragons and have them fight by your side, and they also had mounts and travel places.... Off topic, btw....
Off Topic Btw.
this is just like the "give us mounts" request: this isn't World of Warcraft, so don't expect it to be. |
Off Topic Btw.
Sarevok Thordin
Lift the limit on the ignore list :3
Riken Chrono
Let them spam. Payed $50 or more for it, so let them do what they want. I'm sure most people don't play the game to satisfy other people. They play it to satisfy themself.
Former Ruling
An Auction House will not stop Trade Spam like some suggested. The Auction House WOULD be an effective way to buy and sell things faster, but it doesn't do much for spam.
Just like someone said on Page 1, There'd just be "WTS [Blah Blah Blah] IN TEH AUCTIONS !@@!@!!!!", I know this because of WoW >_>
Just like someone said on Page 1, There'd just be "WTS [Blah Blah Blah] IN TEH AUCTIONS !@@!@!!!!", I know this because of WoW >_>
Phoenix Ex
It will at least help. For one people like me would abandon the trade channel altogether if an auction house is (ever) implemented. If anything they should implement it anyways, I am sick and tired of having to spam in town all day long to sell anything.
Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by Phoenix Ex
It will at least help. For one people like me would abandon the trade channel altogether if an auction house is (ever) implemented. If anything they should implement it anyways, I am sick and tired of having to spam in town all day long to sell anything.
The advantages of an auction house are obvious and theyve all been named in this thread, as well as the point that an AH wouldnt prevent spam. But there is one way it can be prevented, even without the AH, and i reckon it wouldnt require much coding either.
A certain competitor mmorpg has an 'item linking' system. A player clicks on an item while holding the shift key, and the item appears linked in chat. When someone clicks on this link, they get a small window which shows all stats of that item. So this eliminates the need to write very long messages with the stats of the item, just "WTS [item name] 10k". how does this prevent spamming? Simple - item linking is only possible in the trade channel! Also, there can be a filter that can disable the same link appearing more than say twice in ten seconds, so there is no spam in trade channel either. W.T.S. and such variations of WTS now cannot fool the filtering system.
I personally think this would do much more to prevent spamming than AH, but still, the AH would still provide more ease with trading because it eliminates the need to spend half an hour typing WTS in chat. So, implementing both would be THE solution.
As player of both games and by my own estimate, i can say that the spam level is at least ten times lower with these two solutions, as well that i am much more wealthier too.
So plx consider something like this. Even as another separate campaign. I would buy it for sure, solely for this.
A certain competitor mmorpg has an 'item linking' system. A player clicks on an item while holding the shift key, and the item appears linked in chat. When someone clicks on this link, they get a small window which shows all stats of that item. So this eliminates the need to write very long messages with the stats of the item, just "WTS [item name] 10k". how does this prevent spamming? Simple - item linking is only possible in the trade channel! Also, there can be a filter that can disable the same link appearing more than say twice in ten seconds, so there is no spam in trade channel either. W.T.S. and such variations of WTS now cannot fool the filtering system.
I personally think this would do much more to prevent spamming than AH, but still, the AH would still provide more ease with trading because it eliminates the need to spend half an hour typing WTS in chat. So, implementing both would be THE solution.
As player of both games and by my own estimate, i can say that the spam level is at least ten times lower with these two solutions, as well that i am much more wealthier too.
So plx consider something like this. Even as another separate campaign. I would buy it for sure, solely for this.
ah well the party search system did not reduce the spams.
spamming is breaking the user-agreement too but i see no point in reporting them.
spamming is breaking the user-agreement too but i see no point in reporting them.
Originally Posted by Riken Chrono
Let them spam. Payed $50 or more for it, so let them do what they want. I'm sure most people don't play the game to satisfy other people. They play it to satisfy themself.
The Silver Star
I vote for an auction house, and to teach the Local channel traders a lesson A-net should one day ban everybody that sues it for a week.
I was a weapon trader and i admit i did spam in TRADE chat but thats because you sort of have to, to gain anybodys attention because it quickly gets lost in other peoples spam.
I was a weapon trader and i admit i did spam in TRADE chat but thats because you sort of have to, to gain anybodys attention because it quickly gets lost in other peoples spam.
I was a weapon trader and i admit i did spam in TRADE chat but thats because you sort of have to, to gain anybodys attention because it quickly gets lost in other peoples spam. |
Why do people spam? Because other peope spam too? Why do other people spam? Theyre noobs? Dont think so. Theyre frustrated and bored and just want to get the job over with? Yes. But why are they frustrated...
Even if nobody spammed, even if everyone wrote just one message line in trade, some places like Kaineng Centre are just so crowded that your message goes off the chat window in seconds. So, a potential buyer (or seller) has only seconds to spot your message. In other words, the THE TRADE SYSTEM RELIES ON PURE LUCK.
Its like lottery, buying more tickets will give you greater winning chance than just one ticket, spamming increases chances of 'winning'.
To prevent this, you may try to go to a less crowded place. Seems like a good idea. But you would loose the benefits of a larger player popuation and market. So this incrases the chances your message will be seen, but decreases the chances that someone whould be interested in it. Again, you count on luck.
I hope you, and Anet people if any of them read this, understood my point.
I dont mean to say i support spamming because i dont, but i mean that the trade system has to have a complete transformation in order to see any improvement. Learn from competitors.
Water Angel
think auction house would change nothing.they would just put the announce in auction hosue and still keep spam out of it.
as said before only real solution would be a serious threat.
or at last arena should place moderators in game for watch over channels making sure rules are respected.ALL insults,racism,sexism,etc etc...a way to make all this dumb kids realise everything is not allowed and there's a respect of others to have other way punished...
as said before only real solution would be a serious threat.
or at last arena should place moderators in game for watch over channels making sure rules are respected.ALL insults,racism,sexism,etc etc...a way to make all this dumb kids realise everything is not allowed and there's a respect of others to have other way punished...
What I'd like to see is a "quick ignore spam" option with a context klick on a chat line. This should do two things:
1) I put the player on a temporary session ignore list, so I don't see his messages any more.
2) The player gets a negative reputation counter (needs some safeguards), as a result his messages will soon be filtered out by everyone who uses the reputation filter, effectively silencing the spammer...
(See Allhakazam Forums to see what I mean. You need automatic safeguards and automatic slow recovery over time to prevent mobbing of a player)
That way annoying other players by spamming is counterproductive, because you become invisible fast...
Another good WoW innovation was the ability to include links to items into chat with a click. Then anyone can get a tooltip just by hovering or clicking the link - this saves a lot of typing and therefor chat space.
1) I put the player on a temporary session ignore list, so I don't see his messages any more.
2) The player gets a negative reputation counter (needs some safeguards), as a result his messages will soon be filtered out by everyone who uses the reputation filter, effectively silencing the spammer...
(See Allhakazam Forums to see what I mean. You need automatic safeguards and automatic slow recovery over time to prevent mobbing of a player)
That way annoying other players by spamming is counterproductive, because you become invisible fast...
Another good WoW innovation was the ability to include links to items into chat with a click. Then anyone can get a tooltip just by hovering or clicking the link - this saves a lot of typing and therefor chat space.
Originally Posted by Water Angel
think auction house would change nothing.they would just put the announce in auction hosue and still keep spam out of it.
Threatening or punishing is something i completely desagree with, no matter how high spam levels are. (virtual) violence is not the solution :P The devs are aware of this and will never do it, if they respect their players.
Water Angel
why should *I* turn channels off? if i woudl trade i have channel trade for that.its not normal me bein forced turn a general chat off cause someone dunno use the trade one.
how abous respeect?why devs should respect people who du nresepct others?you get what u prevent other players from having fun and spamin and no respect them so you shouldent be respected and should be prevented from play yourself
how abous respeect?why devs should respect people who du nresepct others?you get what u prevent other players from having fun and spamin and no respect them so you shouldent be respected and should be prevented from play yourself
@Water Angel
You misunderstood me. Read my post again and maybe you'l get it.
Punishment in any way is never going to happen, because I, the spammer, have paid for the game just as much as you, the one that hates that (but does it anyway), did.
You misunderstood me. Read my post again and maybe you'l get it.
Punishment in any way is never going to happen, because I, the spammer, have paid for the game just as much as you, the one that hates that (but does it anyway), did.