Campaign/char difference?
Are there any differences to the professions in Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall? IE, if I make a ranger in Prophecies, is it any different than a ranger in Nightfall? Or is it all purely aesthetic
they just look different, and go through that campaign. i prefer nightfall since you level up so fast with the hunts.
different skills are available.
But eventually, all skills are available to a char? Even from separate campaigns?
Cow Tale
u need all 3 campaigns to have every skill
there are "core" skills available in all 3 campaigns
there are prophecies only skills
there are factions only skills
there are Nightfall only skills
there are "core" skills available in all 3 campaigns
there are prophecies only skills
there are factions only skills
there are Nightfall only skills
1 final thing...if I make a Dervish, will I be able to go to the prophecies campaign and level up from there right away?
You won't be able to create a Dervish in Prophecies. However you will be able to take your dervish to the Prophecies campaign once you have reached a certain point in the Nightfall storyline - basically when your up to leaving the newbie isle you can take quest's to that will open up both Tyria and Cantha to your character.
count your fingers
Originally Posted by kamatsu
You won't be able to create a Dervish in Prophecies. However you will be able to take your dervish to the Prophecies campaign once you have reached a certain point in the Nightfall storyline - basically when you're up to leaving the newbie isle you can take quests to that will open up both Tyria and Cantha to your character.
do u have all 3 chapters? kinda sounds to me like u r trying to pick 1 out. at any rate, i suggest u start in prophacies, u can get tons of skills there through quests, unlike factions where u have to buy them. then as soon as u get to lions arch, make a bee line to elona(nightfall) to get your heroes.