I have no pics so I can't prove this, but this confused me.
I did the Ruins of Morah mission today and noticed somthing unusual about Varesh's boss behavior. After loading up I equipped my flatbow to do the standard tact of pulling the Clerics first before taking on Varesh, but after taking one step Varesh suddenly charged our entire team without provocation. I thought this was too good to be true so I flagged my henches at the gate and killed her on the spot.
After killing her, the demons spawned and Varesh reanimated again, but once again she went off and charged us without any taunting or anything. Once she got within my henchie's range I proceeded to bodyblock her while the henches utterly abolished her.
I henchwayed Masters on that Mission (7:26) without killing a SINGLE DEMON OR MARGONITE. What I wanna know is has anyone had this kinda luck as well with Varesh or was it a one-time deal?
Varesh unnaturally Agressive?
Jeff Highwind
No, I think Varesh has always been easily aggrod on that mission. I remember doing that mission, going to go and pull a cleric and had varesh chasing me for a few minutes after that. That's just how they made the mission it seems. *shrug*
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
I henchwayed Masters on that Mission (7:26) without killing a SINGLE DEMON OR MARGONITE. What I wanna know is has anyone had this kinda luck as well with Varesh or was it a one-time deal?
Yes to the former. If I see Varesh rushing towards me, I just make a stand at the entrance spot and proceed to kill her and her second incarnation without killing any margonites/demons.
I had it on my 5th billion try. I was so happy after that, I went to do it again, solo this time, and died.
When ppl were first getting to this area I ran the mission for 6k per run, me 3 hero's 3 hench and one person being ran...if that person wanted to help times were from 4:18 to 6:10 min and if they just stood there it was 5:20 to 7:28 minutes. Kill the clerics, then boss, run back where you started, kill the spawns by pulling them to the start point one at a time with focus fire until only 1 or 2 left then kill boss...it is faster for me to do it that way than go straight for her even if she comes up to gate....As time went by it just took too long to get a buyer so I stopped doing it....I also can beat gates of madness with bonus with the same setup but takes so long nobody would be willing to pay enough to justify my time. There is only 2 missions in the game that you cannot hench and get bonus on (or at least I cannot) Maddok Crevace (sp?) and that one where you have to drop 3 lights on the end boss
Originally Posted by Keithark
When ppl were first getting to this area I ran the mission for 6k per run, me 3 hero's 3 hench and one person being ran...if that person wanted to help times were from 4:18 to 6:10 min and if they just stood there it was 5:20 to 7:28 minutes. Kill the clerics, then boss, run back where you started, kill the spawns by pulling them to the start point one at a time with focus fire until only 1 or 2 left then kill boss...it is faster for me to do it that way than go straight for her even if she comes up to gate....As time went by it just took too long to get a buyer so I stopped doing it....I also can beat gates of madness with bonus with the same setup but takes so long nobody would be willing to pay enough to justify my time. There is only 2 missions in the game that you cannot hench and get bonus on (or at least I cannot) Maddok Crevace (sp?) and that one where you have to drop 3 lights on the end boss
I think you refer to Jennur Horde because at Moddok Crevice, the bonus is to follow Dunkoro's Advise. At Jennur's Horde you drop 3~4 light to defeat Hardbringer. Both mission is totally henchable to get master. even a lousy Assassin like me can do it.
Originally Posted by pve-er
I think you refer to Jennur Horde because at Moddok Crevice, the bonus is to follow Dunkoro's Advise. At Jennur's Horde you drop 3~4 light to defeat Hardbringer. Both mission is totally henchable to get master. even a lousy Assassin like me can do it.
sins are awesome if person playing them knows what he is doing (not me in other words..I cannot play a sin for crap)...and maddok is one of the 2 I cannot do, never can seem to stop the 2 runners...the other with 3 lights I only tried alone one time but couldn't manage to get all three lights on him before we got wiped..but i also didn't try to kill the whole map first either so If i did that then I could probably do it too but why try, it is usually easy to get 1 other person to go with you on that one and makes it much easier