Next Factions brought us a plethora of these green wonders almost from every boss there. Realiseing that greens were the new way to go in boss drops, i couldnt help but wonder... What about Mr. Khibron there he is teasing trough the storyline and finally u work your way to obliterate the backstabber but what do u get to memorise the occasion? Nothing... END GAME BOSS with NO SPECIAL DROPS o.O ...
Now Nightfall follows the same trend and Khibron is back there with his dusty phisique and all he offers is the fond memory of a... cinematics ...

I really think the Prophecies end game boss, and his forced undead right hand (come to mention it) DESERVE GREENS they can drop.
Wouldnt it be glorious to have:
Ruriks Dragon Blade - green FDS ?
Aegis of Ascalon - Ruriks shield ??
and from the old Khibron maybe a green for each classs...
dosent matter really, but i do think these 2 blokes deserve them.
So i say SUPPORT RURIK AND THE LEECH in these modern times. It is no longer weird they dont drop greens its expected that they start dropping them.
Just my 2 bits..
Id like to hear your taughts and comments on the matter ^^
Happy new year everyone