my gwen collection

Tide to Go

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

I War Torn I [Torn]


ok i got the flute the shard the preserved iris flower now i herd about a dead flower and tattered cape (something like that) can someone map those items for me? i cleared out stingray and couldent find them. If i could get info it would help out alot, thanks



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

tattered cape has been removed from the game.
there is no "dead flower"



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


yea there is, just stop watering those iris f. and you will get dead ones

Tide to Go

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

I War Torn I [Torn]


wow that sucks i should have gotten them while they lasted because i just learned about them and you are sure they where taken out of the game?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Four Items
Tapestry (she gives you in pre-searing)
Broken flute
Tattered Small Girls Cape **
Nightfall had a "Preserved Red Irsis Flower" that from a (non-key) chest in the Corsair area that shows as quest item.

** People have reported the Tattered Small Girls Cape (north of Sactum Kay in original guildwars) no longer drops.

Not seen anything in Factions.
There is also a bug where you don't get the Tapestry if you party with someone (such as over the wall / res signet) if there gwen is more developed then yours (they have cape + flute where you didn't) and she "upgrades" to that of your party member but no longer gives you a tapestry.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Definate Gwen Items
Tapestry (Prohpecies, pre-searing)
Broken Flute (Prohpecies, pre-searing)
Gwen's Broken Flute (Prohpecies, post-searing)
Tattered Girl's Cape (Prohpecies, post-searing, no longer drops but existing ones have NOT been removed)
Preserved Red Iris Flower (Nightfall, Barbarous Shore)

NOTE: I have looked for a "Dead Flower" for a year and a half. They are not listed on GuildWiki. I've never seen one, known of someone who had one, or had ANY info that would make me think they were real. I figured they were an urban legend, but.....

The introduction of a Preserved Red Iris Flower gives me pause. I think that "Dead Flowers" may have actually existed, and the PRIF are an updated form of it.

Other Gwen Items
Flute (Prohpecies, pre-searing merchant)
Small Girl's Cape (Prohpecies, pre-searing merchant)
Red Iris Flower (Prohpecies, pre-searing)



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

All over the place

Broken Circle


Ah gwen. Biggest hole in the guild wars story. I'm still hoping that at some point in time Anet will give her a role of some sort. But then I'm a presearing fanboy.