Armor Questions



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


is there a place I can see what my current (modified) Armor Value is?

Im not entirely sure how armor works- does it all stack, or is it positional, or does it just use the highest Armor Value im wearing?

for example, my elementalist is currently wearing AV 45 on all 5 slots, is that Armor 225?

Ive got the Prismatic Insignia on my head piece, and 9 in all my Elemental attributes, whihc should give me +5 AV per, for a total of +20. But there's no indication as to wether or not those bonuses are being added.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


It's locational. If you have 45 AL on your chest, and 25 AL on your legs and you get hit in the legs, you would take more damage than you would if you were hit in the chest.

EDIT: And, just as a side note, you're wasting your attribute points by putting them all at 9 just for the extra bonus from the insignia. If I were you I would just concentrate on 2-3 attributes, that way you are still effective. Also, you don't have to have the requirements for all of the bonuses on the insignia to get any of the bonuses. If you are set on using those insignias, settle for a few of the bonuses instead of the entire thing that way you can remain effective in battle



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


ah, thanks for answring that. Yeah, I can definitely see how the prismatic insignia's not such a great deal then. I read that you can only get the bonus from a specific insignia once, no matter how many copies you have attached, so at best it's +20 to one location.

yeah, I did see that I don't have to have all of them to get partial bonuses- that's where I was kind of hoping for some indication that I was recieving certain bonuses- like having the ones im getting highlighted or something.

Whispering Siren

Whispering Siren

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


insignias are locational as well. it's runes that are not stackable.