mysteries of the game (that I'd like)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


Lord of Darcia


Hello, I'm new here to GWG (name is chemcon) and there are some things that happen on GW that have me intrigued. I would consider it a great favor for someone to explain some things to goes:

1) What's the deal with the candy corn person ? Is that some mod that you get later on in the game ? (I have Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall) but have made most of my progress as an Elementalist / other but haven't done the last mission.

2) Why do some people appear in a flash while others (like myself) just appear....I'd like to have a flash precede my making that entrance baby!

3) Sometimes I see three or two figures dancing in precise unison as if there were a twin (or triplets) doing exactly the same thing. Is that part of a special edition GW package?

4)Lastly and most importantly, I am a member of another site (Game Faqs) and pretty much stay within a small area of influence. I would like to branch out and make new friends. Oh and one more thing....I need a good off hand "weapon" that will improve my eneregy as my energy is a paltry 28 in relation to my robust 585 Health......quite lopsided wouldn't you say ?

If someone would take the time out to maybe answer one or any of these questions, I would consider it a personal favor, a favor which will not go unrewarded.

Happy Wintersday !

Muk Utep

Muk Utep

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

I can't answer your first two questions.

3) Sometimes I see three or two figures dancing in precise unison as if there were a twin (or triplets) doing exactly the same thing. Is that part of a special edition GW package?
You can dance by typing /dance. Once you know when a particular dance animation "starts", as in the very first step of the dance, it's not difficult to copy another person's dance. It may take a few attempts, but if you stand next to them with /dance ready in your input bar, you can quickly press enter and time it well enough to hit the exact frame of their animation, thus synchronizing with them.

4)Lastly and most importantly, I am a member of another site (Game Faqs) and pretty much stay within a small area of influence. I would like to branch out and make new friends. Oh and one more thing....I need a good off hand "weapon" that will improve my eneregy as my energy is a paltry 28 in relation to my robust 585 Health......quite lopsided wouldn't you say ?
The best way to get friends is to join a guild. Preferably a large one with other allied guilds. As for your off-hand item, there are various crafters and collectors around in the game that provide easy access to decent items. You should be able to find one with an off-hand item that gives energy (the max is +12). Alternately, use a staff with +10 energy and some other +energy mods/inscription. You should have found some by the time you've reached a point in the game where you really need specific equipment to succeed. Insignias and runes are another way to improve your energy. Radiant Insignias and Runes of Attunement attaches to your armor and gives a modest boost, but they stack so you can use them on each piece which gives a nice chunk of energy.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


1) It was a Halloween item that some people still have. They can no longer be obtained unless from other players.

2) I don't know what you mean by this...but it's probably one of the Collector's Edition effects. Got a screenshot?

3) If they are not other players, yes, it is part of the CE. If they are other players, they are just doing "/dance *".

4) I don't know what you mean by this, lol. Offhands can be found quite often, and there are collectors with max offhands(+12 energy). There are also offhands with the +12 energy and then +15 energy, with -1 energy regen. The friend thing...Not 100% sure what you're hinting towards, but I'll be your friend! Lol.

EDIT: For #2, were they dancing when this happened? Because if so then it IS the Factions CE. Only does it for Assassins, though.

EDIT 2: Looking down the page, I have come to realize how many people just want to get their post count up. I mean, look at that, 3 people posted after me saying basically the same thing.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


As far as question 4: the amount of energy is directly related towards your primary profession. The profession with the maximum energy amount is the Elementalist which can be as high as 90+ with boosts. I am not sure the order that the energy decreases for each profession so I can't answer which is next and so on. The main reason that the Elementalist has a high amount of energy is related to the "Energy Storage" attribute which is the profession specific one for the Ele. Also a lot of offhands that will give energy boosts rely upon an attribute beign at a certian lvl. This keeps for example: a Warrior from getting a boost from a mesmer offhand. Hope this can clear up a few things.

Mega Mouse


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Ex Talonis


1) What's the deal with the candy corn person ? Is that some mod that you get later on in the game ?
Has nothing to do with game progress, its a halloween item that changes your appearance, like the christmas item that changes your appearance into that of an elf.

2) Why do some people appear in a flash while others (like myself) just appear....I'd like to have a flash precede my making that entrance baby!
Umm... the only things i can think of that you mean is /rank, which gives you a glowing animal for a breif amount of time infront of your character, and this can be gotten by gaining fame in Heroes Ascent. Otherwise it would probably be a CE reward, such as glowing hands during emotes. A screenshot of what you mean would be useful in giving you more information.

3) Sometimes I see three or two figures dancing in precise unison as if there were a twin (or triplets) doing exactly the same thing. Is that part of a special edition GW package?
Instead of typing "/dance" type "/dance *", this makes your character start their dance routine in the next 10 second pulse, if multiple characters of the same proffesion and gender all type it they dance "in sync".

4)Lastly and most importantly, I am a member of another site (Game Faqs) and pretty much stay within a small area of influence. I would like to branch out and make new friends.
The best way for this would be to join a guild, or get to know your current guild better.

Oh and one more thing....I need a good off hand "weapon" that will improve my eneregy as my energy is a paltry 28 in relation to my robust 585 Health......quite lopsided wouldn't you say ?
Quite lopsided indeed, but if warriors ran around with 60 energy they'd put us Ele's out of a job . If you really need one you could have a look at the Auction side of this site and try buying a +energy - health offhand focus.

Hope i helped



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

All over the place

Broken Circle


1) You become a candy corn person by drinking a tonic that was available during haloween. Right now there is a tonic available that will turn you into an elf, so you'll probably see some of that as well.

2) I'm not sure what you're talking about here. The only flash i can think of is if someone levels up in a town. That might be it, but not sure.

3) To do any emote in unison with other people put a space and a * after it. After you type it, the game will wait a second for someone else to type it, and then wait again if they used the *. You can chain as many together as you like.

4) If you're interested in meeting people join a guild or fansites like this one. As for the offhand, the max energy given by an offhand is +12. There are several ways to raise your energy though if you are looking for more energy. For example, you can get an offhand that has +12, and then also a +15/energy regeneration -1. Many focus items and other weapons are readily available from crafters and collectors.