My apologies if this has been covered already, but I was wondering about gaining a pet from Elona, during trial period.
I own GW Prophecies, and my friend gave me his buddy key-trial for Nightfall, so I took my character over to Elona from Lions Arch, and gained a crocodile pet. The question is, will it disappear when the trial period is over? That is what I suspect will happen, but am sort of crossing my fingers that maybe I'll get to keep it via a system loophole or something.
Any thoughts?
Question about Nightfall trial
Hard to say, but you'll probably end up keeping the pet when your trial is over. Pets are hardly game breaking.
No clue, I'd like to know how it turns out, though

Update: my trial ran out a few minutes ago, still got the crocodile. Good times

congrat, jsut dont accidenlly deleted, my poor spider