Skillz help
can teh skill u unlock (using balthzarr faction) be use on ur heros and ur self, if so plz tell me how
Yes, skills (elite or normal) unlocked with faction are usable by heros. I used this method to unlock alot of skills for classes I hadn't played much of, but have heros of. But not for yourself (not the elites anyhow). I *think* normal skills you unlock will show up at same of the trainers, but I'm not 100% positive. But Elite skills must be captured for your PVE chars.
when you unlock a skill using balthazar faction, the character can't use it, but if you make a PvP version of that character, he can use it. Also, heroes can use any skill you unlock with balthazar faction as well.
EDIT: Beat me to it, Whiplashr
EDIT: Beat me to it, Whiplashr
Heroes and pvp characters can use any skill that is unlocked on your account. In addition, if a skill is not an elite and is unlocked, any trainer in the base area of that skill will be able to teach it to your pve characters. For example, any trainer in prophecies, even the one in ascalon city, can teach any of your pve characters fire attunement once you have it unlocked on your account.
NM, thedork above me (
) beat me to it and phrased it much better.

Thanks for clarifying that thedork because I wasn't sure how it worked with normal skills. Thats good to know.
Fungus Amongus
Originally Posted by alarico511
can teh skill u unlock (using balthzarr faction) be use on ur heros and ur self, if so plz tell me how
Originally Posted by Translation of alarico511
Can the skills I unlock with Balthazar Faction be used on my heroes and on my character? If it is possible please tell me how.
Do Not Abuse the English Language
Thank You for helping me