ETA on Update For Pets?
Has Anet given a ETA on when they'll allow players to be able to release/dismiss/remove a pet that is connected/linked/charmed by a Hero NPC (Koss, Melonni, etc.)? Didn't they promise this like 2 Months Ago?
They said they're looking into it.
It will come when and if Anet gets around to it. There are more pressing problems at the moment that need more attention. Stuff like rubber banding and bots and such that require their attention more.
They said they're looking into it.
It will come when and if Anet gets around to it. There are more pressing problems at the moment that need more attention. Stuff like rubber banding and bots and such that require their attention more.
It will come when and if Anet gets around to it. There are more pressing problems at the moment that need more attention. Stuff like rubber banding and bots and such that require their attention more. |
Anyways I think there's a major need for this update, because I have a hero /w a pet, that I was training to become a dire. I was doing my normal routine in getting a Dire. (Pet Deals Dmg, Person takes Dmg). My Hero (Acolyte Jin) Stats:
- 15 Beast Mastery
- 11 Expertise
- 3 Wilderness Survival
- 0 Marksmenship
- 10 Smiting Prayers
1:. Ferocious Strike
2:. Brutal Strike
3:. Predator's Pounce
4:. Strength of Honor
5:. Symbotic Bond
6:. Call of Protection
7:. Charm Animal
8:. Apply Poison
1:. Mending
(Pet Never Died, Hero Never Died, Energy Sufficient, Dmg Sufficient)
This build has always given me a Dire pet. Then I stumbled on some weird Bug that made my pet fail to Evolve the 2nd time. Acolyte Jin's Pet is a Lvl 20Aggressive White Tiger. It had NEVER evolved to a Dire White Tiger. I've leveled that pet Outside Gates of Kryta and had it kill Specifically Margargoyles. Either this is a Bug, or lvl'ing a pet is purely by chance.
Here is Picture of that Lvl 20 Aggressive White Tiger:
Simply Put, They Need to Get This Update Now So people in my situation can dismiss/release the pet. If they don't want to do that then, They should address the pet lvling thing which, every person I talked to in-game, said it's a bug. Reguardless, They need to make Dismissing pets that are linked to heroes a PRIORITY!!!!
Former Ruling
They need to make Dismissing pets that are linked to heroes a PRIORITY!!!! |
You realize most people just use their pets as a meat shield right? Having "Dire" infront of its name is mostly just a goal because Dire is accounted for being harder to get.
Originally Posted by Express2022
And Yet they Have time to add "Events, Nerf Skills, Add New Search Methods...Oh, new way of storeage."
Originally Posted by dargon
You do realize that they have multiple teams working on multiple things right? If not, please accept this small education. Events are done by one group of people, skills are done by another, etc etc etc.
Originally Posted by Express2022
And Yet they Have time to add "Events, Nerf Skills, Add New Search Methods...Oh, new way of storeage."
Simply Put, They Need to Get This Update Now So people in my situation can dismiss/release the pet. If they don't want to do that then, They should address the pet lvling thing which, every person I talked to in-game, said it's a bug. Reguardless, They need to make Dismissing pets that are linked to heroes a PRIORITY!!!! |
Priority? I think you need to review just what a real priority is.
I do not agree as there are many more important things that
need their attention
Originally Posted by Aleta
Priority? I think you need to review just what a real priority is.
I do not agree as there are many more important things that need their attention |
Then again, maybe you are right. Global warming is obviously more important that the survival of a single person, so I suggest you stop bothering with eating and sleeping, and get cracking on global warming. Or maybe start thinking about how priorities and resources interact.
Just because you think its an easy fix doesnt make it so. Mabey it requires more then you think it does, not trying to be a jerk just stating it may take some time for them to fix this problem
Perhaps, all of you who want things NOW could pitch in and start writing code for these updates.

As has been said, no firm schedule has been announced for that feature.