Anti-Aliasing Problem in GW


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Hi, I recently purchased an Asus Radeon X1950 pro. I enabled Adaptive AA and FSAA and I was shocked that texture aliasing continued to appear in Guild Wars. With my last Nvidia graphic card (6800GS to be precise), enabling Transparency AA in Supersampling mode reduced texture aliasing greatly. I seeked advices from technical forums and found an option to enable ASBT AA in the registry. The texture Aliasing was gone after enabling ASBT AA, however it also caused in-game text to be distorted. Hence, I am seeking for a solution for this problem.

I am using the latest Catalyst driver (6.12)

My settings:
"let application decide" AA (Forcing AA makes the problem worse)
16x AF with HQ AF (I tried other settings yet problem persists)
"Quality" Adaptive AA
"Alternate Pixel Centre" is off.
No optimizations are on.
Everything else to high quality.

System Specs:
AMD Athlon64 X2 4200+
Asus A8N-E
Asus X1950 Pro
Corsair 2x 1Gb RAM



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


Can you post a picture of it? I might be having the same problem. When I'm walking around I randomly get these areas of crappy texture on the ground and on the walls. In some areas the crap texture is there permanently and if you stay still and move the camera around, at certain angles the textures look the way they're supposed to.

I went through a lot of stuff with ANet support like formatting my computer, messing with every driver for every component, new video card bios, trying a different video card (I tried my X1600 pro and 9200 pro) , and after a few months neither I nor they could figure out the problem. Unfortunately we ran out of options because that was a few months ago when none of ATI's drivers would work with a VIA chipset + an AGP card.... but once ATI fixed that driver bug in october I just haven't felt like contacting ANet again to pick up my ticket and work on it some more.

I'm pretty sure this is an ATI-related problem, where the game does not render certain textures properly with ATI cards no matter you do. I've been trying to get my friend to lend me his GeForce 6800 to confirm that. Since you didn't have these problems with your GeForce card, I'm betting ATI needs to fix their drivers or ANet needs to tweak the game engine before us poor ATI users have properly functioning textures. If your picture of the problem is similar to the problem I get with my ATI cards (don't have my pics right now since I'm at work), I'm sure ANet would find that most interesting and helpful.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Texture-aliasing is very visible when you are moving. For example, visit Yohlo's Haven in Elona where texture-aliasing is observable in the trees, which is very annoying. Previously, i could use my 6800GS 's TRAA in supersampled mode to greatly reduce the problem. With my new x1950pro, enabling Adaptive AA in quality mode did nothing it. Only when I enabled "ASBT" in the registry would the texture-aliasing disappear, however with the penalty of distorted in-game text, which I did not experience with my 6800GS.

Screenshot of "distorted text" in PNG format.

I will be trying Warcat driver later since there is apparently a "transparency fix". I will also be posting up for any update to my problem.

Gimme Money Plzkthx

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

I had the problem on an older Radeon Card, x800 SE (with x800 GT drivers). You need to enable a certain amount of AA instead of using adaptive, and it won't blur like that.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hmm... I had similar effect when my x1300xt card wasn't properly recognised by system drivers as x1300 (no xt in the end).

I had this effect on 6.11 but after upgrade to 6.12 it's all ok now (xt appeared). Check Display Properties>Settings>Display if you really see x1950pro name there.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Okay, I found a "solution" to this problem.

When "ASBT" AA is on, AF must be off or else there will be text distortion.

This is hardly a solution at all. Why can't the 2 just co-exist?