(i just started playing btw)
Is the spear king of ranged attack or is the bow. I wanted 2 make a non-wammo paladin and i wanted a ranger so i have a P/R. I naturally thought that the bow was the best ranged weapon because the ranger is mostly offensive and the paragon is a support class who uses the spear sparingly.
Spears generally are MUCH faster than bows and to my surprise, they did a lot more damage! Its base damage is less than a bow but its speed and STRONG adrenal and energy skills more than make up for that. Its also xtremely versatile because its attack range falls just short of a friggin longbow... (though it does the most damage midrange), unlike a bow which has a very selective range and has drawbacks with that range.
If the spear is so strong why don't i see every ranger carrying one- am i missing someting?
I want to make a bow weilding character but not if the spear is so godlike. lol if it is, the spear wud b better suited in the hands of a ranger or warrior than a paragon...
- i do admit that marksmanship skills have more useful effects than spear mastery skills who focus almost soley on damage.
(and btw, if i choose to go bow, do i really have to switch bows every time the target is moving, close up, far away..., heavily armored..., standing still..., ETC O.O)
is spear > bow !?!! help xpert archers/paragons!
The spear does fire faster than any other ranged weapon, this is true. However, you're wrong about it's range. It has the same range as a short bow. The only time it's range appears to be greater than that is when you're standing on higher ground.
Personally, I agree with your assessment that spear attacks tend to be better than bow attacks for damage. So if you're going for a "Ranged Paladin", I'd use the spear. Just my opinion.
Also, you don't really have to change your bow for every situation. But it helps. If you run around only using a shortbow, you'll never be able to pull enemies to your group correctly. If you run around with a long, recurve, or hornbow, you won't do as much damage because you'll fire slower. If you don't use a recurve bow, you'll have a harder time interrupting enemies. But it's up to you.
Personally, I agree with your assessment that spear attacks tend to be better than bow attacks for damage. So if you're going for a "Ranged Paladin", I'd use the spear. Just my opinion.
Also, you don't really have to change your bow for every situation. But it helps. If you run around only using a shortbow, you'll never be able to pull enemies to your group correctly. If you run around with a long, recurve, or hornbow, you won't do as much damage because you'll fire slower. If you don't use a recurve bow, you'll have a harder time interrupting enemies. But it's up to you.
Giga Strike
the bow has a greater range though it is definatly slower. it also does slightly more damage. the bow has more attacks for it but it is easier to plant some conditions with spears.
The thing that I miss when playing my Paragon and not my ranger is Barrage. Multiple enemies attacked ftw.
Spears are also easier to dodge.
Barrage for adrenalin filler.
Barrage for adrenalin filler.
Originally Posted by Antheus
Barrage for adrenalin filler. |
ya waste and elite just to fill about 4 strike of adrenline then switch back to a spear :P