Hey! I was wondering, do I need to find my profession's skill trainer to unlock spells? And if I let a lot of skills behind? What should I do?
There's any guide to find the trainer or such? Or I need to run the entire pre-searing map to get all available skills?
Thank you!
Finding skills
First of all, which campaign?
I assume that you are speaking of Prophecies due to your reference to Pre-Searing. In which case I can point you to Profession trainers for Prophecies.
and to answer your questions...
1. -Yes, you can only learn skills for the professions that you are currently running as.... (Necromancer/Monks can only learn skills that are of those two professions; you can change your secondary after becoming ascended to learn other skills from other professions)
2. -If you went to Post-searing without learning all the skills that were available in Pre-searing; you can always visit a Skill Trainer to purchase the skills. They are not lost forever but you may have lost the chance to obtain them for free depending on quest rewards etc.
3. -Decide if those few skills that you missed are worth deleting your character and going back through Pre-Searing for... otherwise, I'd continue on and pick them up later....
4. -Guild Wars Wiki is your friend....
5. -See number 3 above.
I assume that you are speaking of Prophecies due to your reference to Pre-Searing. In which case I can point you to Profession trainers for Prophecies.
and to answer your questions...
1. -Yes, you can only learn skills for the professions that you are currently running as.... (Necromancer/Monks can only learn skills that are of those two professions; you can change your secondary after becoming ascended to learn other skills from other professions)
2. -If you went to Post-searing without learning all the skills that were available in Pre-searing; you can always visit a Skill Trainer to purchase the skills. They are not lost forever but you may have lost the chance to obtain them for free depending on quest rewards etc.
3. -Decide if those few skills that you missed are worth deleting your character and going back through Pre-Searing for... otherwise, I'd continue on and pick them up later....
4. -Guild Wars Wiki is your friend....
5. -See number 3 above.