I have an easy question for the experts....
I started my GW experience with Nightfall (love it) and now I have purchased the other 2 titles.
Is there any concerns or information you can share with me BEFORE i get started?
I will install GW Prophecies first, and hopefully it really doesn't matter what order I do these campaigns...
Thanks in advance and Have a Happy New Year
adding campaigns
Allen E
You actually don't have to install anything, the only things you need are the keys that came with the new games you purchased. At the login screen, there is a link to create/update an account. Simply click that link, put in your account information and choose to add the new keys to the existing account, and poof, you have access to the other 2 games.
i think you have the option to make them stand alone as well...but i wouldn't recommend doing that as your characters from one campaign will not be able to travel to other lands etc.....so be sure to "link" them together under the same account.
Allen E
Already got Prophecies installed and created a Monk...
New question...can I use the characters from Nightfall in Prophecies, or just the Nightfall campaign & vice versa
Thanks again everyone
New question...can I use the characters from Nightfall in Prophecies, or just the Nightfall campaign & vice versa
Thanks again everyone
Knightsaber Sith
^You can take your characters through every campaign.
once you reach a certain point in each campaign, you can do quests that will allow you to take characters from that campaign to the others.
Allen E
I guess it would be a little too easy with a lvl20 in the early stages...I would imagine when I get my new Monk in Prophecies up to lvl 20, they can all intermingle...?
Thanks much
Thanks much