Reverse search on guru or wiki?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


I wonder if there is any way to find if there is a collector giving or crafter making weapons that you would like to get...

e.g. Let's say that I am looking for a vampiric sword of fortitude (This is just a random example), does anyone know any place, list, search engine where I could find out if there is (and where he is) a merchant/ collector who gives that specific weapon, or maybe part of what I am looking for.

Subquestion : Is there any other way to get upgrades or any other additions to weapons, OTHER than getting it randomly as a drop, or buying it from players. Is there any way you could craft the upgrades?

Thanks everyone :-)


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


Here is a link that groups all collector weapons by profession, so it should be easy to find what you need there.
Here is a list of all weapon crafters grouped by campaign.

As far as the upgrades, those you'll have to pick up either in a drop, or a trade.