What happened to Koss?
I really need help in this question, im really sorry if sumone already asked but, but y can't i have access to Koss or add him to my team? do u have to be a nightfall (rp) to be able to use him? or am i jus missing sumthin?...
have you brought your charecter in nf yet? if so did you just complete the consulate docks mission, there is a brief time you would be w/o him.
really?...cuz it says that ive already done the mission (or maybe not)... i will go check
Originally Posted by Ace~O~Spade
really?...cuz it says that ive already done the mission (or maybe not)... i will go check
People really should pay attention to the cinematics and dialogue more often.
When you finish Consulate Docks, Koss is captured, and must be rescued. Just follow the primary quests, and you'll rescue him in no time.
People that skip and dont read really are missing out on the story...
Former Ruling
You have to do "Hunted!" then "The Great Escape" to use him again..
and use jimmy_logic...I to think people should read the quest dialogue if its the first time through or they arent using spoiler guides.
and use jimmy_logic...I to think people should read the quest dialogue if its the first time through or they arent using spoiler guides.
as previously stated he gets kidnapped during that mission, i did however have the game bug on me where he was still available until the second time i zoned into yohlon