Necro Obsidian armour questions


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005



I have a Question regarding Necromancer Obsidian armour. My ideal configuration would look like this...

Chest and legs Scarr patterns (+5 energy)
Hands and feet Revenant's (+10hp)

The problem is that i dont have a clue if Obsidian armour is availabe with revenants stats :S

Does anyone have a clue?




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Norway, Oslo

Glob of Ectospasm

they are available with all kinda stats



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


if you have nightfall, buy the set that takes inscriptions. then you can change the configuration as you like. it's the same price al the other fow armors.

Deacon Roswell

Deacon Roswell

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

San Diego

Absence of Evidence [AoE]

Allience is correct. If you have Nightfall, buy the armor that is titled "Obsidian Armor". It should be the top 4 pieces. The armor is basically blank with the exception of energy recovery +1 on the legs and feet. It still costs the same even know it's blank but you have the advantage of adding the exact stats per piece using insignias and runes.
For your configuration, use a Radiant Insignia on the chest and legs which will give you +5 energy total (3 for chest and 2 for legs). For the hands and feet, use a Rune of Vitae and you'll get +10 HP per piece giving you +20 total HP.
The best part of the new armor is that you can put an insignia AND a rune on each piece. So on your chest you could have a Radiant Insignia (+3 energy) and a Rune of Vigor or whatever you choose.