On no account associate these losers with 치 The Spearmen 치 [치치치치]


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Apparently a new fake Spearmen guild was formed. They use the same tag as us [치치치치] and call themselves 치 The Spearmen Reborn 치 [치치치치]

They are NOT reborn Spearmen, and have no association with us. But since they got the same tag, the next time you are talking to someone who you THINK is a Spearmen, it could be a FAKE.

While we 치 Spearmen 치 have had our share of infamy, it's always been for pushing the game and skill system to it's limits. We always strive to stay above the trash talking, bad mouthing, and direct attacks on other people. But just be aware if you find a potty mouthed 12 year old spewing garbage under the Spearmen tag, it may in fact NOT be a Spearmen...

Mitee Thor - proud officer of the REAL 치 Spearmen 치

[EDIT: Picture Removed, no names please. -JR]

- Gobby -

- Gobby -

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Neutral Selection [TNS]

ouch.... that kinda harsh.... Well there nothing u can do about it so live with it ^^ hehe

Lord Zado

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005



You seem just as childish in that screenshot as the other guy. Hope they lock this thread.

King Kong

King Kong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Who cares if someone got same name




Join Date: Nov 2005


I'm afraid there is precisely nothing anyone can do about it.