Can't Search (on Guru)

Darth Marth

Darth Marth

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

USA Midwest

Order of Celestial Guardians II [OCG]


I want to post in Sardelac Sanitarium, but for multiple reasons I can't search through it for existing topics. The "Search this Forum" button only appears at the top of the Questions & Answers and Tech Help forums. Isn't it supposed to be available for all of them, especially Sardelac?

And also, when I try to search this forum, I get a message saying I don't have the privilege to search it. Since searching is recommended so much, shouldn't it be accessible to everyone? Is there something on my account I need to do before I can search? (The universal Search button at the top bar seems to work fine)

Please help; this is getting very frustrating...




Join Date: Jul 2005

The Search here is a total joke. It uses Board Tracker. You can not use any advanced options, only basic keyword searches. Just click the Search link in the top menu bar, enter your keywords, and wait for 9000 useless links to comeback.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Be Aggressive B E Aggressive [AGRO]


I have same problem...the sticky about using search should be removed until we are "allowed" to use the search option in the first place.