I dont know if this has been posted before and I apologize if it has. What do people think of allowing your characters turn evil or good? That seems to me one of the few things missing in Guild Wars. I mean you only have a choice to accept a quest or not. How about how you do it?
Say a simple retrieval of an object could lead to murdering a merchant or doing something for him(like in Prophecies!!) It could be fun and we could have another title to work forward to depending upon how you align yourselves.
I dont think it can lead to a conflict with the earlier stories as most of them involved you just being in the middle of things and it was you alive or dead.
I for one would love to fight some good sides and totally kick their behinds!!
Would love to hear your thoughts guys.
Sorry again if this has come up before!
Taking Sides with a twist!!
dead man ivan
Gargle Blaster
it can be agreed that evil and good are relative terms -yes? ...then the game already has this in factions luxon or kurzik...
dead man ivan
Agreed this is present in terms of Luxons and Kurzicks. However, come on interms of a fantasy game such as this evil and good is pretty obvious I would think(murder,pillage, steal, harass=evil),(honor,protect, save lives,help out etc.=good) Its a simplification no doubt but still would be fun.
Kai Nui
Look up King Jahnus in guild wiki. Also there's the whole aspect of grenth vs dwayna. In the end you can't have truely evil and bad side though because you're the hero of the game and protecting the world... It doesn't fit within the GW storyline.
shifting shadows
...uhhhh just out of curiosity, does anyone know why people keep wanting to play evil characters and romp around destroying things? You know the people who suggest this only want to play evil, because we are only playing good characters right now.
And /nosign. TBH this idea being implemented in Guild Wars has repulsed me every time someone has mentioned it. Let's not make a bad version of Fable or Star Wars, shall we?
And /nosign. TBH this idea being implemented in Guild Wars has repulsed me every time someone has mentioned it. Let's not make a bad version of Fable or Star Wars, shall we?