Question about anti-farming

Angelic demoness

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

In the past 2-3 days my boyfriend has been repeatedly killing a locust boss in the hopes of getting his daggers. At the same time I have been killing a spider boss trying to get his bow. Neither of us have been successful, and in the last several attempts we have both noticed that the bosses seem less and less likely to drop anything at all, including gold.

Have we been hit with the anti-farming code? Neither of us got the pop up-message about it, it just seems like something is going on. If that is the case, how long do we have to leave these two bosses alone before our chances of getting the right drop increase again?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



white > blue > purple > gold > green , order of droprate. There should be a statistical difference in what drops you get if killing the same mob over & over (that is you should get more whites then gold for example).

(Greens are 1% droprate or something?)

Also heanchmen & heroes get their share of drops if they are in range (if name is grayed out then they dont get drops).

If you got no message, then anti-bot code has not set in & its just plain old bad luck.
(Lunto's pinchers shouldnt be too expensive to buy if you identify white drops before selling to merchant for maximum profit )




Join Date: Dec 2005

Il Power Overwhelming Il [HaX]

Jello you're off a little.

Like all other tutorial popup boxes, the anti farm message will only display once per character.

The farm code works whether you see it come up or not, and I believe it starts working on the 3rd or 4th run, but only slightly. The only ways to get rid of it are to fight other monsters and exit through a different warp, by waiting a day, or by switching to international districts.

Angelic demoness

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

I'll clarify a few things: When I say the bosses have stopped dropping anything, including gold I meant gold as in money, not as in gold items. They simply don't drop anything at all lately.

And neither of us have ever seen the anti-farm message pop up - as far as we recall at least.

Anyway, thank you for the answers. I guess we will just leave them alone for a couple of days and try again

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


I think the anti farm message only comes up if you have hints on. If they've stopped dropping at all you probably hit it. go and do some quests/missions for a while to reset it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Do what I do tho keep the AntiFarming code off of me. I will purposely go into another area and kill a few monsters there before returning to th first area. This has worked for me.

Mega Mouse