Class for Nightfall


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

After a long break, I'm back here playing GuildWars.
I have a warrior (core character which I will take everywhere) and some minor characters.

So I thought about making a Dervish or a Paragon to play in Nightfall. I've only played Paragon of those two when NF just came out but now I've been hearing a lot of bad things about it, so which class would you recommend me to play?
Oh and do Dervishes and Paragons get into parties quickly? I don't mind playing with henchman but I'm talking about the end game areas, the later missions and such.

This is not a VS thread, I'm just asking advise.

P.S.: Any word about a hair dye yet? I've been waiting quite a while to get rid of my warrior's red hair.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Am I allowed to bump threads here if noone has replied in quite a while?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Charter Vanguard [CV]


From what I know the bump policy is 24 hours.

On topic. I've played the Dervish class since release and it's pretty good. Paragons are more of a support class, I don't like them as much but they are ok.

As is with most classes you can have a decent chance to get into parties with popular builds, otherwise you might have a tricky time. Dervish is easier than Paragon as I've seen though.

No character customization yet.

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


If you like the War, your going to love the Dervish provided you unlock some of the high end skills using faction then buy them at the start.

Niether are particularly wanted in parties for the high end areas, that still remains the domain of the core 6 proffs.

Skills youll want to unlock from the preist of balth for the Dervish are:

Mystic Regeneration
Victorious Swipe

While any secondary is ok with the Dervish you may wish to take War for the Wild Blow and Distracting Swipe. There are lots of Rangers using stances in the mainland and the Dervish has no interupts of its own.

I do have a guildie that loves Paragon but its a lot like playing a monk as your doing more buffing than actual dmg dealing. In the end your play style will lead you to the proff thats best suited for you.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

I think that 99% of players made a dervish when nightfall came out. I made a paragon because I like my ranger and people in Kamadon (main nightfall town) compared the paragon to a ranger so I went that direction. Also because 99% of people made dervishes, you may have trouble getting into groups in harder missions.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


if you checked the outcome of the latest tourney, each of the finalist guilds had atleast one deverish/war each battle and 2 paragons (out of a team of 6) were used in one battle. They have worked their way well into high end ladders.

Deverishs are like warriors, xcept their moves are cooler and their primary attribute pwns "strength." I havn't played one so i don't know much about them but they are basically considered more welcome than warriors in parties (except in Nightfall PvE where every other character is a deverish)

I play a paragon, and they are a very versatile class, but support based. They buff their allies with either offensive or defensive buffs that apply to everyone in "earshot" and get pooled mp for every player affected by their shouts.

They try not to focus too much on doing damage themselves (though in my opinion, the spear is a better weapon than the sword and to some extent the bow) because instead they could power their entire team and do damage through them.

I like playing one because they have healing buffs as well, making them kind of like a monk except they have strong attack skills, have tough armor, and no one really targets them because they are such an anomaly in pvp :P (i rarely ever find another paragon on my team or the opposing team)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

another thing to add on, paragons have the same armor level as a warrior. so they are not a "soft" target sitting back healing/damaging enemies.