In factions City controll refers to faction accumulated by guild alliances.
Faction gainning must have a standar aquisition/time parameter to be honest the game to all players and so AB' must be the quicker way to get faction. Also AB's are the true reason Faction Campaign was on such great success

FFF = Fast Faction Farming is an immoral way to gain faction gold and exp for the reasons below
a)You can gain 400Faction150gold 2000exp in less than 45 sec
b)Free and Huge experience is used for many people to get the "lame" survivor 3 title, plus thats the main reason i think no experience title still exists (45million exp from this thing have some people)
c)Supposing you cash the ambers you have approximately 600 gold / minute profit
d)People moan the ones that do AB's and its very annoying
e)The hole thing refers to a games bug ---> The route followed remains active and the quest is triggered so reward is instant.
f)The City Controlling in Factions is a fraud. There is not even 1 alliance that controlls town that does not do fff. All decent alliances are low on faction and that is immorall since access to deep/urgoz and supplies with 20% discount are available only for the city controlling guilds.
g)There are guilds that do fff (using BOTS)only to cash ambers and probably feed ebay with cash for real money.
Anet has released so many updates to fix ingame bugs, to create a balance and support team play ingame (aoe iq) but yet there is nothing done for the highly exploitable BUG of FFF. Is there a reason?????
There are many ways to fix that, the simplest are
a)snare traps on route
b)Quest doesnt activate while 1 place visited --->Logically the forest will be secured why to secure it again?
c)Max number of rewards per player (like balthazar faction in zaishens elite)
I hope you guys are going to do something about it soon, because above all its against the fair play and spoils that game.

The next option we gamers have is just to upload the exact use of the builds on free sites and tell everyone in-game how to do it and where to find the skill builds needed.
Why it will be bad?
a)I Find it interesting if all People can have Fow armor in less Than 12 days or be millionaires just exploiting this bug.
b)This will make prices of mods etc to get out of balance
c)Servers at lutgardis will crash by 90% from the extreme usage
d)Game will end up to a pure run and die sequence than makes you rich,and will spoil it
In case that someone asks how this Quest can be done... here is the way.
Pro runners are A/R or R/A
1)Skills needed While you keep Shadow Arts and Wilderness Survival at max (20 points)
a)Shadow Form
c)Storm Chaser
d)Dark Escape
f)Feigned Neutrality
g)Death Charge
h)Dark Prison
2)Get the necessery equipments:
weapon set 1 A weapon with +20% enchantments
weapon set 2 A weapon with +30hp and a shield/focus with +30hp
weapon set 3 Vamp weapon and +30 hp shield/focus
weapon set 4 A Grim Cesta -50Hp and a vamp weapon
3)Newcomers Go to Lutgardis and take the quest of securing fendale and then try to memorize the 4 spots you have to visit

4)Assemble a 5 man team. 4 runners to 4 spots and 1 door to minimize time. 3 more spots available for saccing(just die and get reward) or dumb bots.
5)When you enter fendale each of 4 runners runs direct to his point.
Using weapon set 1 casts shadow form to past all enemies.
When Shadow form ends switches to weapon set 2 to have more health while running to spot.
If there is enought health switch to weapon set 3 to stop regen of health
When you get to point switch to set 4 to die instantly
Then the door takes quest and reward and map travels to city.The others are ressurected and after take quest and reward go to city,to find door next to the gate to start round 2 in less than 5 sec.
*If luxons have the city the door bribes the priest 50gold so the rest can be ressurected near the reward

Master this and yes you are uprsing millionaires ---
UNLESS Someone Makes the right move and finally fix that BUG that so many people have already complained about