Anyone else getting err 50?
I was playing the Ruins of Surmia mission with my necro to get the -50 offhand and got an error 50, coincidence?
First time i have ever got this message, and i have a stable internet connection.
As its a server error, i thought i would ask if anyone else is getting the message?
I have trying to log back in for the last 20 mins with no luck
Not much i can do, except for wait of course....
First time i have ever got this message, and i have a stable internet connection.
As its a server error, i thought i would ask if anyone else is getting the message?
I have trying to log back in for the last 20 mins with no luck
Not much i can do, except for wait of course....
Got Error 40 in a mission, login didnt work for some minutes.
works now since 1 minute
works now since 1 minute
Drop of Fear
having loads of different errors when i try to log in now :/
I am getting Code=040, if this is relevant.
I'm still getting error 40.
im getting error 40.. oh the problem seems to be fixed
err40 everywhere
40 FTL, i have it too
me too, i also got error = 35
now im getting error = 13
now im getting error = 13
Me Too Err40.....Sigh..;-(
5 times error 40 here
Now I'm getting error 34.
Getting Errors whenever I try to access areas close to Ascalon City.
Mmmm, mines seems to be fixed, havent mapped in a while though
restarting my internet connection seemed to do the trick.
Just was starting a DoA run and got err40, then err13, err35 etc.
Can't log in with half of chars atm. That err35 though startled, it said "someone has logged on your account"
Can't log in with half of chars atm. That err35 though startled, it said "someone has logged on your account"
Ok seems to be fixed now, and woah guess it wasnt just me
nope, I was fixed, but now it's happening again.
Thalion Galad
ya err40 ftw
I`m gettin err 40 too.
was fixed for me for a while then i got er = 35 (plz wait for a while ur transaction is being processed) or something like that =/
Error 40 here. as of 20:04 GMT.
Error 40 atm (Euro Server)
Was running my ritualist to ascalon from Beacon's and got an err=40 while zoning into Yak's Bend. Now I have to re-start from Beacon's. What a waste...
I was able to connect again (after 5 * error 40)... fought myself to next outpost: tada error 40 is back *sigh*
english storm
Pogahn Passage is borked for me everytime i try and zone there i get error 40
mines still fine..takes a while to load up a town though
I was disconnected when in a VERY good team in Random Arenas, that was sad.