I realize this is a very small problem in the scheme of things, but I think A-net should look into renaming the Fiery Gladius. My problem with the current name is that it is identical to a Gladius with a Fiery mod. This can cause some confusion and could lead to scams. I do know that the invenory icons are different but IMHO the names should be too.
I suggest the name be changed to "Flaming Gladius" or something of the sort.
Rename the Fiery Gladius?
Aeris Silvermoon
You cannot remove the fiery hilt, it's 1 item, so how can you scam?
He is saying that people will have a generic gladius, install a fiery hilt, and then sell the sword as the "fiery gladius".
They look very different in the trade/inventory window as the OP has mentioned. I don't foresee them changing this any time soon, as always "caveat emptor".
They look very different in the trade/inventory window as the OP has mentioned. I don't foresee them changing this any time soon, as always "caveat emptor".
I agree, the icon/image in trade windows and inventory is quite different. I'm not sure they need to change it.
Though I do think it would be better called "Flamming Stick" which is basically what it looks like.
Though I do think it would be better called "Flamming Stick" which is basically what it looks like.
take the trade outside so show that its on fire.