Okay, well, I finally got sick of trying to get this 9600 PRO to work, practically tried everything, so I'm gonna get it sent back, and seeming it's my B-Day soon, I'll be able to squeeze more into my price range.
I've been looking recently at the nVidia GeForce 6800 XT 256MB, it's £104. It particularly interested me as I've read good reviews, and that it has a Dual BIOS in it which is made for Overclockers, and in a review, it explains partly how it works, meaning I can fiddle about with overclocking it and not have to worry with it breaking!

Here's a review on it from Guru3D.com:
Originally Posted by Review from Guru3D.com
As you can see from the table above, NVIDIA has high spirits of the Series 6 graphics processors, they announced Series 6 in April 2004 and look what still is stacking up the retail and OEM market. Quite startling. As you have been able to notice from my endless ramblings of clock speeds, this GeForce 6800 XT cards come with a 425 MHz clock and a (2x)500 MHz memory rate, 256-bit (GDDR3, 256 MB) with a suggested price tag of 179 USD.
The GeForce 6600 (GT) product line has eight pixel pipelines and thee Vertex processors, this 6800 has one Vertex processor more (four), we confirmed that to be true and working 100% with Rivatuner. Rivatuner also reported the core_id back as a NV41 revision A2 chip that's being used. This is a Dual BIOS version of the 6800 XT and it is available in the PCI-Express version. Notable is the fact that it has two Dual DVI outputs and it is a Zalman cooled graphics card. Cool and Quiet is the name of their game, and it definitely seems to be so on the 6800 XT. We'll get into that in a short bit. Dual BIOS. It is designed specifically for overclockers and people that are really really afraid ... Let's say you want to overclock or fool around with the BIOS to get some pretty interesting overclocking results eh? You can do that now risk free. If you fail miserably with your overclock, you simply flip the switch and the card is hardwired to the second backup BIOS. Once you boot up you can flash BIOS A to B again and start over and over until you are satisfied. A pretty interesting idea that is being used on several mainboards for quite some time now. |
Here's the link to the
XFX GeForce 6800 XT / 256MB GDDR3 / PCI Express / SLI / Dual DVI / TV Out / Video Card.
Or also, this Sapphire Radeon X1300 512MB PCI-Express DDR2 VGA TV-OUT DVI for £100?
Also, if I got the 6800 XT, would this Arctic Cooling Rev.3 nVidia 5 (6800 & 7800 Series) VGA Silencer be good for it too?