What should i do with these and..

Lightning shower

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Heh didnt take me long to ask for help again.

Ok the first 2 i dont know what to do with (the ele on ive aready got one on myself)

And the other 2 which one should i salvage (between the 2 options i have


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Gathering of Friends [GoF]

Generally, it's a good idea to check the sale prices of runes before salvaging them. You'll find in the late game that some rune drops are worth more still in the armor than removed from it!

Currently the prices of some minor runes have trended up, most likely due to the influx of new players for the holidays. Rune prices change fairly often, so it's always a good idea to check before selling.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Ok, what to do with these. The two armors can be salvaged to possibly get two runes and one insignia. The insignia are only of use to you if you have armor from Elona/Nightfall that belongs to the class that the attunement is for, for example, the pyrebound is for Elonan Ranger armor, certain insignias do not have a class and can be used by anyone so long as they have armor from Elona/Nightfall. The runes can be used again, only by a person whose primary class matches the class for the rune, with the exception of the Rune of Attunement which can be used by any class in the game. You use all of these items, by double clicking the item, and the clicking on the piece of armor you wish to upgrade with the rune/insignia.

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


Also you can use them for your heroes if you want.