When do I ascend?

T N Player

T N Player

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Bay Area


When do i ascend in NF?

If i ascend in NF, can i go to the UW in ToA in Prophecies?

If i am from NF and i go to Tyria and ascend there, can I go to UW from ToA?

If I am from NF and I ascend in Prophecies, can go to UW from ToA or do i have to ascend in NF and can only go to UW from CoS?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Character can only ascend in the chapter it was created. For Nightfall it is once you complete/get into the command post (proffession changer-npc shows up). Yes once ascended you can go into zones that require ascention to enter.

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


The Nightfall equivalent is Hunted!
You can find info about it here http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Hunted%21

Once you've ascended you don't have to worry about it again, no matter which chapters you may or may not have. You can go to TOA to go to UW/FoW, Chantry of Secrets or that place in Cantha.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Teh Academy [PhD]

Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
Character can only ascend in the chapter it was created.
Wrong. A character created in any chapter can ascend in any other chapter. A Nightfall character can ascend either by doing Hunted! in NF, or by becoming Closer to the Stars in Factions, or doing the Ascension missions and beating its Dopple in Prophecies.

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Where'd you hear that, because from everything I've read you have to do it in the character's original campaign before trying it anywhere else.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

i think smile is right, u have to ascend in your characters home chapter

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Yeah, I think it's more like you can do any ascension quests or mission, but first you must complete it in that characters original campaign.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


If you are a Nightfall character, and ascend in Prophecies, the game does not consider you ascended. The game only considers you ascended when you ascend in your home campaign. This, at least, is what I've read.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Teh Academy [PhD]

I did not have to "hear" it. It's tried and proven. When I've started a Factions or NF character, and wanted a fast route to ascension so I can enter FoW and craft armor, I'd ascend in the Crystal Desert in Prophecies. (Boat to LA, run to Sanctum/Mission, Desert tour, then Missions ran, and Doppel.)

I've ascended my Ritualist, Assassin, and Paragon in Prophecies (before ascending in their home chapters) and I've never had a problem entering UW/FoW. Once you're ascended in one chapter, you're ascended.

Of course, ascending in one chapter doesn't progress you any in your home chapter. For instance, if you ascend in the Crystal Desert in Prophecies, you still have to do Hunted! in NF to get to the Command Post, and you still have to get Closer to the Stars in Factions to move on with the game.

But ascending in any one chapter will make you "ascended" for the purposes of entering UW/FoW.

T N Player

T N Player

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Bay Area


thats was the answer i was looking for, thank you all



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by zankoku
But ascending in any one chapter will make you "ascended" for the purposes of entering UW/FoW.
Did not know that, anyway someone should edit note4 in Guildwiki-ascend article because it is incorrect (dont know wiki syntax so cant do it myself).



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
Did not know that, anyway someone should edit note4 in Guildwiki-ascend article because it is incorrect (dont know wiki syntax so cant do it myself).
Yup that's where I read it as well. But I still think in the end that to progress in the home campaign you'd still wind up gaining the equivalent of ascension there, so such a side trip shouldn't be necessary.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



It should not be changed just because one person says its not like that or that they did it some other way, most if not all things on wiki are tested by multiple people.
Better step is to do even more testing to see what the real deal is.