Think I screwd up ..... advice Please
ok I am new to Guildwars, although I do Play WOW and want to see what guildwars is about as well.
I bought Prophesies ( the First Game in the series ) and Factions ( the second on the series ) Think there in this order correct me if I am wrong.
Any way I Installed Prophecies and created a Ranger/elementalist, all seemed well and I was running about getting used to it doing a few early quest in Ascalon city and the surrounding area, all was Green and peaceful looking.
Think I made lvl 2, I then maybe a bit hastterly decided to install Factions and logged back in, suddenly found my self with 3 other characters doing some kind of raid / mission ( these characters seem to be there just to help me and heal me think they were Henchmen???? )
Any way there was a film clip a war and the next thing every were is in ruins and its seems desolate baron and not so friendly any more.
So my question is should I have just played out prophecies for a while as I feel I have missed a big chunk of the game .............. if so can I un install the entire game prophecies/factions and then reinstall prophecies.
If so will my Character get deleted or will he be there when I log back in? or do I start from scratch.
Any help advice appreciated.
I bought Prophesies ( the First Game in the series ) and Factions ( the second on the series ) Think there in this order correct me if I am wrong.
Any way I Installed Prophecies and created a Ranger/elementalist, all seemed well and I was running about getting used to it doing a few early quest in Ascalon city and the surrounding area, all was Green and peaceful looking.
Think I made lvl 2, I then maybe a bit hastterly decided to install Factions and logged back in, suddenly found my self with 3 other characters doing some kind of raid / mission ( these characters seem to be there just to help me and heal me think they were Henchmen???? )
Any way there was a film clip a war and the next thing every were is in ruins and its seems desolate baron and not so friendly any more.
So my question is should I have just played out prophecies for a while as I feel I have missed a big chunk of the game .............. if so can I un install the entire game prophecies/factions and then reinstall prophecies.
If so will my Character get deleted or will he be there when I log back in? or do I start from scratch.
Any help advice appreciated.
Lol, not to worry Voodoorising, what you just went through is known as 'The Searing'.
You are still playing Prophecies, you've just left the newbie training area.
EDIT* BTW, uninstalling and re-installing GW will not affect your characters, they are stored on the ANet database.
You are still playing Prophecies, you've just left the newbie training area.
EDIT* BTW, uninstalling and re-installing GW will not affect your characters, they are stored on the ANet database.
Oh boy, where to begin.
Factions and Prophecies are the same game. You launch the same application. The only difference at start is when you create a character, you choose where they start: Tyria or Cantha.
I don't know how you installed Factions, because usually you'd just add Factions key to your account at login screen, or create a new account to use with that key (poorer option IMHO).
What happened in the game was nothing, except that you left the Prophecies tutorial area.
And since it's online game, deleting the client doesn't change anything, it all depends on the account. You can always make a new character to start in the pre-searing again, but that's just tutorial area,
Factions and Prophecies are the same game. You launch the same application. The only difference at start is when you create a character, you choose where they start: Tyria or Cantha.
I don't know how you installed Factions, because usually you'd just add Factions key to your account at login screen, or create a new account to use with that key (poorer option IMHO).
What happened in the game was nothing, except that you left the Prophecies tutorial area.
And since it's online game, deleting the client doesn't change anything, it all depends on the account. You can always make a new character to start in the pre-searing again, but that's just tutorial area,
Effendi Westland
Hey mate, welcome to Searing Ascalon.
Nothing wrong, you just progressed with the storyline (prohpecies), you'll know in advance if you're doing anything that gets you to the other "game" so don't worry.
However you did leave the world known as pre-searing (the starter area) quite early. Most firstimers take their time to explore it and reach level 7 or something before they leave as there is no turning back. Such a nice area
Nothing wrong, you just progressed with the storyline (prohpecies), you'll know in advance if you're doing anything that gets you to the other "game" so don't worry.
However you did leave the world known as pre-searing (the starter area) quite early. Most firstimers take their time to explore it and reach level 7 or something before they leave as there is no turning back. Such a nice area

That's how it's suppost to go, upon creating a character in Prophecies, you are set in "Pre-Searing" Ascalon.(The "war" you saw is refered to as the Searing) after completing a few quests in "pre-searing" you are sent on the mission you described to kill a few Charr (Who the Ascalons were fighting and who caused the Searing) and then sent ahead 2 years after the Searing to continue the story-line (I won't spoil anything for you but just get a bunch of quests and look for ones labeled in your quest log as "Primary Quests", these will continue the story-line.) Installing factions didn't "screw up" anything.
I think he's set up two seperate accounts, one factions and one prophecies.
Ok Thanks for the quick replies guys, Looks Like I may have ran a bit before I learn't to walk. Shame there is no going back but not to worry I am sure I will survive.
ok to answer another question I have a character in my party at the moment called Alesia I think it is, shes there to protect and heal me is she like a NPC just helps on certain quest? and basically follows your lead.
Coming from WOW things are quiet a bit different so expect lots of questions till I find my feet.
ok to answer another question I have a character in my party at the moment called Alesia I think it is, shes there to protect and heal me is she like a NPC just helps on certain quest? and basically follows your lead.
Coming from WOW things are quiet a bit different so expect lots of questions till I find my feet.

Originally Posted by Haggard
I think he's set up two seperate accounts, one factions and one prophecies.
Guess thats the correct way to add the addons ?
Malice Black
Alesia is an NPC (otherwise known as a henchie/henchman) you can get rid of her at any point.
Originally Posted by Voodoorising
No I only have one account, Installed the 2 CD's for prohecies and entered the Key, then installed the 2 CD's for Factions and ADDED the key to an existing account
Guess thats the correct way to add the addons ? |
Crom The Pale
There are Henchman that you can choose to add to your party at any time in the pve portions of this game. In the ruins of Ascalon you should find them near the stairs that exit to the world map.
Most towns have one henchman of each professions save for a few locations with 2 wars and 2 monks.
Henchman are diffent lvls in diffent cities and will sometimes leave your party should you enter a city with a higher lvl henchman of there class in it.
Note: Nightfall, the newest chapter, introduced customizable henchmen called Heros that you can set there skills and weapons and have far more control over.
Most towns have one henchman of each professions save for a few locations with 2 wars and 2 monks.
Henchman are diffent lvls in diffent cities and will sometimes leave your party should you enter a city with a higher lvl henchman of there class in it.
Note: Nightfall, the newest chapter, introduced customizable henchmen called Heros that you can set there skills and weapons and have far more control over.
Originally Posted by Voodoorising
No I only have one account, Installed the 2 CD's for prohecies and entered the Key, then installed the 2 CD's for Factions and ADDED the key to an existing account
Guess thats the correct way to add the addons ? |
The only thing you really need is GW client (the exe file downloadable from GW's site). Everything else downloads on its own, regardless of how you buy chapters. Installing from CDs just speeds up the download.
So if you have two installations on your disk, you can delete one of them.
It's the same game, same client. Everything is stored on your account. And since you linked them, when you create a new character, you determine which continent you start on. But from here on, you don't need to install anything anymore, even if you buy new chapters.
After that, at later point in game, you can freely travel between the two.
Malice Black
At the start finding groups is nigh on impossible so just use the basic henchies healer/warrior. No real need to make a full group of 4..having less henchies will mean more drops and more exp.
Make sure you pick up EVERY drop and either salvage them for crafting materials or sell to the merchant NPC..keep doing this for a few weeks and you will have plenty of cash for new armor and materials to make it with.
The armor sold in LA (Lions Arch) will do until you get to the desert.
Make sure you pick up EVERY drop and either salvage them for crafting materials or sell to the merchant NPC..keep doing this for a few weeks and you will have plenty of cash for new armor and materials to make it with.
The armor sold in LA (Lions Arch) will do until you get to the desert.
Originally Posted by Voodoorising
Ok Thanks for the quick replies guys, Looks Like I may have ran a bit before I learn't to walk. Shame there is no going back but not to worry I am sure I will survive.
Might as well enjoy the whole game and levels aren't nearly as important in GWs as in WoW so that would be my advice.
Welcome to GWs hope you have fun

I recommend spending time in Pre-Sear Ascalon too. You do miss a huge chunk of the game by going ahead in the main storyline when you're only level 2. There's some good tutorials and pointers in Pre-Searing which will help you get used to the game and you get tons of free skills from doing quests there. And do you even have your secondary profession yet? You should get that before leaving Pre-Sear. 
Delete your character and start over again. You should even be able to use the same armor, and make him look exactly like he did before. You can get to level two really fast so it's not such a big loss. Guild Wars isn't about grinding levels, it doesn't take you months to get to the top level anyway. Just remember to not take the training mission called the Path to Glory from Warmaster Tydus until you're ready, because it makes you leave Pre-Searing (I usually get to level 6-7 before leaving, and some people level up even further).

Delete your character and start over again. You should even be able to use the same armor, and make him look exactly like he did before. You can get to level two really fast so it's not such a big loss. Guild Wars isn't about grinding levels, it doesn't take you months to get to the top level anyway. Just remember to not take the training mission called the Path to Glory from Warmaster Tydus until you're ready, because it makes you leave Pre-Searing (I usually get to level 6-7 before leaving, and some people level up even further).
Thanks for all the replies guys, its appreciated.
Think I will start over as Perynne and sixdartbart suggest as I feel like I am missing the basics and some stuff happens and I am left thinking WTF.
I did Take a second profession as an elementtalist before I left Pre searing and have aquired to basic skills, guess I will lose theses as well but hey never mind I would rather enjoy the game in the full and learn the basics.
One more question If I delete my Ranger and re roll him can I use the same Name for him as I think I read some were that this wasn't allowed as the name regessters the character with a specific ID code that wont allow the name to be duplicated.
Think I will start over as Perynne and sixdartbart suggest as I feel like I am missing the basics and some stuff happens and I am left thinking WTF.
I did Take a second profession as an elementtalist before I left Pre searing and have aquired to basic skills, guess I will lose theses as well but hey never mind I would rather enjoy the game in the full and learn the basics.
One more question If I delete my Ranger and re roll him can I use the same Name for him as I think I read some were that this wasn't allowed as the name regessters the character with a specific ID code that wont allow the name to be duplicated.
Yep, if you delete your character, u can use that name again..unless some else uses it in thhose 2mins of making the character :P
but you cannot use the same armour, or custimized weapons..(you will learn more about this later in the game)
good luck.
but you cannot use the same armour, or custimized weapons..(you will learn more about this later in the game)
good luck.
I heard that when you delete a character, the name is still registered to your account for 60 minutes preventing anyone from stealing your name if you want to re-roll. Not sure if it's true though.
Either way, you can use the same character name.
Either way, you can use the same character name.
well y9ou have found one of the best sites for questions about guild then second best if not the best is it has EVERYTHING as well as alot of stuff you might miss as you play... Good luck and welcome to the family