need dark red dye combo
Dutch Masterr
anyone know what dyes to mix that will make a dark red color?...without the use of black? something that will look good on ranger primeval and mesmer 15k kurzick armor =P.
Since we have the awesome color mixer screen now, I think you might be best served by experimenting yourself. Red, Brown and Orange would be my recommendations for mixing, since you want to exclude Black. None of them are very expensive.
its gonna be hit or miss for you, since different mixes look different on different armors. i tried several different mixes on my fow armor before i finally used black+red for the exact right color
Kais Unduli
Try 2 reds and a purple. With the old color scheme it looked dark on some armors; hopefully the combo works out for your armor.
Dutch Masterr
i think all dye looks the same on all armor now with the new color system. all armor post-nightfall (other campaigns too) now has a base color of gray, instead of the old profession specific base color.
Originally Posted by Dutch Masterr
i think all dye looks the same on all armor now with the new color system.