Nundu Bay explorable?
Hand of Ruin
Is it possible to get to the explorable area in the Nundu bay mission without doing the mission? I want to farm the margonite there for lightbringer points but there are no res shrines or priests in the mission.
You know why? It's because it's a Mission...
And no. There isn't an explorable area of Nundu Bay when the Margonites invade.
And no. There isn't an explorable area of Nundu Bay when the Margonites invade.
Hand of Ruin
Obviously it's a mission... some missions can also be entered as a normal explorable instance... if you aren't aware of that I don't expect you to be able to answer my question so I'll wait for a more informed reply.
Try reading the second line of text.
Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
Obviously it's a mission... some missions can also be entered as a normal explorable instance... if you aren't aware of that I don't expect you to be able to answer my question so I'll wait for a more informed reply.
There are no rez shrines and priests because it is a mission, is what he was saying.
And, as he said, there is no explorable portion of it when the Margonites invade.
Tetris L
Errrr ... yes, actually there is an "explorable" version of the Nundu Bay mission area. It's called Marga Coast. But like any explorable version it has a different set of monsters compared to the mission. The waves of Margonites spawn only during the mission, obviously. And the priests give Sunspear bounties, not Lightbringer bounties.
Hand of Ruin
Yes, but isn't there an explorable version of the nightfallen garden?
Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
Yes, but isn't there an explorable version of the nightfallen garden?
Which disappears once you beat the game.
actually, the nightfallen garden isnt in the RoT, even though it has that look. as long as you don't beat the game and take the quest "heart or mind: garden in danger" you can go to the nightfallen garden anytime you want (even after beating jennur's horde but before you beat the game). the explorable version of jennur's horde can be ran for LB points.
manatoba1073, i think you are thinking of nightfallen jahai. thats the one in RoT
manatoba1073, i think you are thinking of nightfallen jahai. thats the one in RoT