New to game - Few questions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Iam quite new to the game, but a mmo junkie(L2,WoW ect)-I started the game(Factions) with about 5 or 6 RL friends. I got a warrior/assasin to 20 played around with pvp chars. Fell in love and bought Night Fall. Now i have found my self a little lost with all the talents and builds and just have a few questions.

Whats a well rounded PvP spec i could use for a sword warrior using factions/night fall? I enjoy burst damage and survival(But who doesnt ) *Iam sure i will conclude on this by looking in the fourms but if i can get some peoples opinons on nf/factions specs it would be nice*

How can i get to farther cities in the Night Fall campaign on my Factions character( i was able to take the boat to NF city just cant get anywhere, iam assuming i have to follow the primary quests and follow my way? even if iam 20?)

Should i be saving up gold to buy better weapon/armour? If so where can i obtain these armour sets/weapons?(I assume end of campaign cities have best craftable armour sets and weapons from players)

I really apprecaite anyone who answers these questions, even if you can only answer or help with one or two. If anyone feels like helping me along my msn is: [email protected] and iam sure i can help pay you back with gold or help in the future for helping me along.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

If you can even answer one question i would greatly appreciate it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

hi ya
for a warrior build it really depends on your team build- IWAY for example
for mission progression in nightfall check the sticky in elona explorers league
since u r coming from cantha at lv 20 u should have armor with the best stats, anything u change to in elona will be purely for looks except u will be able to micro-manage the stats


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

European servers


Originally Posted by inetiatic
How can i get to farther cities in the Night Fall campaign on my Factions character( i was able to take the boat to NF city just cant get anywhere, iam assuming i have to follow the primary quests and follow my way? even if iam 20?)
Yes, you have to follow the primary quests and missions. Once you get to the mainland, you will be able to explore more and get to some cities freely; however, you will have to progress through the storyline to get access to the next area (there are several such areas in the game: Istani, Kourna, Vabbi, Desolation and Realm of Torment).

Originally Posted by inetiatic
Should i be saving up gold to buy better weapon/armour? If so where can i obtain these armour sets/weapons?(I assume end of campaign cities have best craftable armour sets and weapons from players)
Max armour will be available very early: as soon as you get to Consulate Docks you can craft the max AL armour. After that, other kinds of armour will have the same stats, only different looks / material requirements / leetness. A quite functional set of armour can be easily obtained for 6-10k, with all or most runes and insignias, depending on your class.

Also, max stats weapons will be available from weapon crafters on the mainland. They will require 5k and some materials to craft. Alternately, you can get decent and good weapons from chests (drops from fighting enemies are usually very, very poor). The price of weapons will depend on their skins. And don't forget about green weapons from bosses, they have perfect stats. Their price varies anywhere from 5 to 40-50k. Also you can visit the treasures (once per character): I got some very very good weapons from them.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

IMO, a build centered around dragon slash is a decent "burst" damage build as you call it. Just bring skills like silverwing slash, dragon slash (elite in factions, you can cap it in boreas seabed), healing signet, and the rest is really up to you. I would recommend a max furious sword mod and 16 swordsmanship (dragon slash takes 10 adrenaline to use and gives you 5 back, if you use the furious mod, which gives you double adrenaline with a 10% chance, you might be able to recharge dragon slash along with any other adrenaline skills you have). I'm sure there are better builds, but there's my 2 cents there.

in terms of getting farther in NF on a foreign character, you only need to follow the primary quests. Because you are a foreign character, you don't need to do all those little quests that you normally get in NF if you made a NF character (technically you can't even get those quests). There is a primary quest called A land of heroes which can be used to get a lot of sunspear points rather quickly for your factions character. in this quest, you get bounties for corsairs and kournan soldiers which give you 4 points for each one you kill. in this quest, the area is crawling with both. If you finish the quest, then abandon it before you accept the reward, you can go back to champion's dawn and do it again for more points until you get to sunspear commander, at which point you don't get the bounties anymore. then, just go through the quest normally and continue the storyline.

in terms of armor/weapons, if your character already has max armor (60 for monks, necros, elementalists, ritualists, and mesmers, 70 for rangers, assassins, and dervishes, and 80 for warriors and paragons) there is no reason to buy more armor unless you want to spend 15k a piece for armor that looks cooler. For the most part, you will want to either get collector weapons (basically the wal-marts of the GW world, theyre good and incredibly cheap, but since its not name brand, you won't seem 1337 to the "elite" players, you can look up "[put profession here] collector weapons" on and it will tell you where the collectors are and what item you need to collect in order to get their weapon). There are "green" weapons that are max damage and usually have good stats, but some are pretty exspensive (some swords are in the 30-40k range). I would suggest looking up "unique items quick reference" on to see what weapons you want to save up for, there is also a price check forum so you can find out how much to save up for that weapon.

If you ever need help in any of the games, feel free to PM me in game, my IGN is kartok the swift. just know if i dont respond right away, chances are i have GW minimized or im not looking at the screen, so dont think im ignoring you. hope this helps, enjoy!

EDIT- i gotta learn to proofread faster, 2 people beat me to the answer