Question about insignia.
Does an insignia affect a whole armor.If i put minion masters insignia on the boots doe i get the protection on al the parts?
And do they stack whit each other like if i would put an undertakers insignia on the gloves + the minion masters insignia on the boots do i get both bonuses?
This could have been asked before but i can't use the search button for some reason.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
no they only boost that one part in GW they have a system where each attack has a certain percentage to hit different parts of the body, and the insignia on each armor piece is what affect that armor piece and that armor piece alone. Also, as a note direct spells like say Mind Burn hit your body armor.
Depends on which piece of armor it hits. So if I have Dreadnaughts, which gives +10 elemental armor, on my chest, but Radiant on my leggings, and I get hit by the same elemental attack once on my chest and another on my leggings, then I will take more damage when the attack hits my leggings.
Spacing out what has already been said, Guild Wars recognizes each piece of armor as a separate unit that can be attacked. So as Shadowfox said, if you have an Insignia on your chest that gives +10 elemental armor and the Flare you've been hit with happens to hit your boots, they do not receive the damange reduction that your chest would.
That said, certain insignia do have an effect that can be considered global, for example the Warrior Lieutenant's insignia. It's effect is Reduces Hex durations on you by 20% and damage dealt by you by 5%(Non-stacking), Armor -20. The armor -20 is local to the piece the insignia is on, but the hex duration isn't, no matter which piece of armor you put it on, all hexes cast on you will be reduced in duration by 20%.