Other Worlds
Hello, I've got a question: I play GW Prophecies for a few days, I'vre finished the tutorial so now I'm in that world after the invasion (ascalon is destroyed) And I would like to know how to get in other worlds like Kryta, Lion's Arch etc.
First of all, Lions arch is in kryta, just so you know.
On to your question: in order to get to kryta and beyond, there are two ways to do it. one is getting a run, which i don't recommend if this is your first character. runs from ascalon to lions arch go for around 2k, but then you skip over everything in between. the second option is just doing the primary quests and going through the missions. i think it takes about 7 missions to get to lions arch (the capital of kryta and a port city in GW, people from factions and NF have to stop here first), and most of them aren't too challenging whether you go with pick up groups or henches.
On to your question: in order to get to kryta and beyond, there are two ways to do it. one is getting a run, which i don't recommend if this is your first character. runs from ascalon to lions arch go for around 2k, but then you skip over everything in between. the second option is just doing the primary quests and going through the missions. i think it takes about 7 missions to get to lions arch (the capital of kryta and a port city in GW, people from factions and NF have to stop here first), and most of them aren't too challenging whether you go with pick up groups or henches.
Kryta and Lion's Arch aren't different "worlds." Prophecies takes place on one continent known as Tyria. You're most likely in the Ascalon area, so continue with your Primary quests or have someone run you to these places (but it seems that this is your first time through the game, so I wouldn't advise this). If you ever get stuck, ask more questions here or in the Tyrian Explorer's League section, located here: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/f...splay.php?f=31
Good luck.
Good luck.
as you are new to the game, i recommend you just carry on with the quests and missions, becuase if you rush to LA (lions Arch) you will most likely be a low level...and will find it harder to progress.
also, lions arch isnt that far away tbh, its about 5-6 missions away from searing ascalon..and about 3 of them dont really count cuz thhey are easy :P
also, lions arch isnt that far away tbh, its about 5-6 missions away from searing ascalon..and about 3 of them dont really count cuz thhey are easy :P
One might argue that they can be "different worlds" since each of the locations represents a different point in the story that you can go back to after you've been further along in the story. E.g. if you're in a further part of the story you can still go back to the earlier parts and play their missions as things won't have changed much by then. But that's just semantics.
Since it's your first character, I recommend playing through the quests and missions as they are without getting run.
If you're worried about missing out on the events where you need to be at other cities to participate (Old Ascalon currently has Wintersday events, but might not be included in other events), don't worry, there will be more as the year progresses.
By going through the quests and missions in order you will gain a better understanding of the game. Anything you don't understand you can ask anyone in the towns, ignoring anyone who tried to berate you for being new to the game; most people will be helpful as they were once where you were. Before you know it, you'll be one of them, answering questions like a pro and moving on.
Since it's your first character, I recommend playing through the quests and missions as they are without getting run.
If you're worried about missing out on the events where you need to be at other cities to participate (Old Ascalon currently has Wintersday events, but might not be included in other events), don't worry, there will be more as the year progresses.
By going through the quests and missions in order you will gain a better understanding of the game. Anything you don't understand you can ask anyone in the towns, ignoring anyone who tried to berate you for being new to the game; most people will be helpful as they were once where you were. Before you know it, you'll be one of them, answering questions like a pro and moving on.
Welcome to Guild Wars. As has been said, the best way for you to reach new towns and continents is to just play through your primary quests and the missions you reach, and you'll be at new places in no time. iirc, you can reach Lion's Arch after 7 missions.
One more thing. The Tyrian Explorers' League forum here is great, but I think your best friend could easily become www.guildwiki.org. You can find anything out about anything there.
One more thing. The Tyrian Explorers' League forum here is great, but I think your best friend could easily become www.guildwiki.org. You can find anything out about anything there.
I've got level 13 now. I've done the following missions: Fort Ranik, Ruins of Surmia and Nolani Academy. I walked to Yak's Bend a few weeks ago. I've tried Borlis Pass and I succeeded in lighting the bacons. But then I was stucked: I came trhough the first gate and trough the second en the third. I ran towards another (stronger) gate which is protected by Ice Golems and Stone Summit. There are also two of those shoot things. How do I complete Borlis Pass and when I complete it. How much missions am I away from Lion's Arch? I've also tried to do a run but I died at some sort of bridge with loads of stone summit in iron horse mine.
[wiki]Borlis Pass (Mission)[/wiki]
After Borlis Pass, you'll have to do The Frost Gate and Gates of Kryta before entering Lion's Arch.
After Borlis Pass, you'll have to do The Frost Gate and Gates of Kryta before entering Lion's Arch.
I'd also recommend going back to Ascalon City and doing the Great Northern Wall mission at some point, it is worth 2000xp and a skill point.
Finding a good guild to run with also helps, team mates and instant advice are not to be overlooked and make the game much more enjoyable.
Finding a good guild to run with also helps, team mates and instant advice are not to be overlooked and make the game much more enjoyable.
Ok thanks I've tried Great Northern Wall but my pc is pretty slow at the point when that charr army is coming towards me. I also don't know where to run to then? Is there just a bridge in front of me where I have to run over??
On the GNW mission, once the cut scene ends, run straight south!!! Run as fast as you can!!! Don't stop to fight anything along the way, just keep going. Only one person in the party has to make it back for everyone to get credit for the mission. Can't remember when a Warrior can get "Sprint," but if you have it, equip it for the run back. Good luck and have fun!
Yeah, I've got sprint now.
I've just did Borlis Pass!!! I've got lvl 14 now. I'm going to do Frost Gate. There's a mission objective called 'Activate the three Frost Gate Lever Mechanisms before the Stone Summit overwhelm Rurik.' Is it true that I have to activate those mechanisms before the time runs out and Rurik dies?
You can check on guildwiki.org for complete mission/quest info. They explain the mission and the bonus. Below is a direct link to the Frost Gate mission page.
Originally Posted by Twan4188
I've just did Borlis Pass!!! I've got lvl 14 now. I'm going to do Frost Gate. There's a mission objective called 'Activate the three Frost Gate Lever Mechanisms before the Stone Summit overwhelm Rurik.' Is it true that I have to activate those mechanisms before the time runs out and Rurik dies?
Well I made it to Lion's Arch now. I'm now going to de the missions there. When I was exploring I made it from Scoundrel's Rise to North Kryta to Nebo Terrace. And now the furthest outpost is Beetletun. I can also do the mission Divinity Coast but I think I'll do D'allessio first.
I may be sounding very harshe saying this, but twan, you seem to be in a guild, but if thats the case, why aren't they helping you?
If you need a hand in game, message me, i spend most of my time ingame either PvP'ing or helping new players like yourself
If you need a hand in game, message me, i spend most of my time ingame either PvP'ing or helping new players like yourself
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
I may be sounding very harshe saying this, but twan, you seem to be in a guild, but if thats the case, why aren't they helping you?
GW Guru
Guild Wiki
Both have more information than you can probably handle. Everything from skills, to complete walkthroughs for quests and missions, builds, maps, etc. If you can think it...it is probably on one of those two sites. There are other sites as well that have great information. When you get a chance, take a little time and look to see what it has to offer and if you don't find what you are looking for, then you can ask, and I am sure anyone would be more than happy to point you in the right direction.
Originally Posted by c_ras
Agreed. One of the most valuable assets to Guild Wars is the guild you are in. They should compliment your style of play and should be more than willing to help a newer player out to learn the ropes and progress through the game. On another note, after reading all of this, why do I feel like I am reading a journal of one person going through Prophecies? It is great to ask questions on things you don't know or if you want more information on how to do something, but I would reccommend you try searching things first. Two of your best friends are:
GW Guru Guild Wiki Both have more information than you can probably handle. Everything from skills, to complete walkthroughs for quests and missions, builds, maps, etc. If you can think it...it is probably on one of those two sites. There are other sites as well that have great information. When you get a chance, take a little time and look to see what it has to offer and if you don't find what you are looking for, then you can ask, and I am sure anyone would be more than happy to point you in the right direction. |
And in all honesty, if they aren't helping you (which they obviously aren't) they are quite lame
EDIT ~ As soon as i clicked submit, I then immediately thought that its more than likely his own guild that he created in presear... i still don't think their should be a guild registrar before Lion's Arch
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
EDIT ~ As soon as i clicked submit, I then immediately thought that its more than likely his own guild that he created in presear... i still don't think their should be a guild registrar before Lion's Arch
I think to create a guild, you not only have to be a leader, but you have to show by example. Most guild leaders have a vast knowledge of Guild Wars. I still stand by reccommending that newer players should join an established guild first to learn how the system works, before venturing off to make their own guild. The guilds that start up where nobody knows what to do or what is going on, fail 99% of the time.
A little off topic on the original post, but thought it should have been mentioned.
Aye, I actually didn't make WPS until i'd made it to Lion's Arch myself and made some good friends on the way, two of which are now my best officers...
And two years down the line, after a few bumps and scrapes, the guilds doing excellently with over 70 active players...
Too many guilds come and go now, including PvP guilds, its a shame
And two years down the line, after a few bumps and scrapes, the guilds doing excellently with over 70 active players...
Too many guilds come and go now, including PvP guilds, its a shame
guilds dont always help, evryone says their busy, almost no guildmembers play active or want to help. im not an prophecies expert but i can always (try to) help.
Add "Stoney Carona" to your friendlist for help from me
Add "Stoney Carona" to your friendlist for help from me
Any guild that says No to helping, either straight away, or when arranged on the guild's forum isn't worth staying with