I'm sure some of us have heard about how they're planning to split the elite skill title into three, with one new title for when you max all three of them...
I figure-- If you split that title, and give it a top title for completing them, then why not for the other titles?
Mainly for 'Explorer" and "Protector" titles... The titles that have different sections for each game world...
We already have Protector of Ascalon, Cantha and Elona...
So- if someone manages to max all three, they get a title for it:
Something like "Worldly Protector"...
Same for Explorer...
Max all three titles, and a new title opens:
"Worldly Explorer"
These new titles would act like the elite skill title... It will dissapear with the release of a new campaign, and you would get it back when you finished the title for that game...
Why not a 'top tier' for protectors, explorers?
That idea is strangely familiar...
Master Protector = Beat all missions with masters in all 3 worlds
Originally Posted by mage767
Master Protector = Beat all missions with masters in all 3 worlds
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