Instead of 100k + ectos. What if?
Fox Mulder
The Merchant could carry silver bars (SB) worth 100g & gold bars (GB) for 1k. These prices would never fluctuate. 110k = 100k + 10 GB. What do u think?
Not A Fifty Five
wont happen. for the mega rich ectos give more value per space. More like Platinum bars for 10k maybe 
Or Just do away with the silly concept of 100k per character and 1 mill for storage. Does anyone here know why anet does that? or is it simply for people to buy more accounts for storing money?

Or Just do away with the silly concept of 100k per character and 1 mill for storage. Does anyone here know why anet does that? or is it simply for people to buy more accounts for storing money?
Kool Pajamas
The cap is there to prevent inflation. I doubt this would happen.
Malice Black
Never happen. This wouldn't solve anything and only increase the amount of accounts being bought for storage.
100k+ecto is fine so why try something different?
100k+ecto is fine so why try something different?
Hand of Ruin
it would only work if you could sell back to the merchant for the same price you bought it as, otherwise the market would become flooded with them and people would undercut the merchant so they could get their cash back to spend on things like runes, materials, armor ect... from traders.
Ectos are fairly stable, so I think the system is ok as it is.
Ectos are fairly stable, so I think the system is ok as it is.
Trophy Hunter
The idea is nice.
I would like to see an item valued 100k like a "traders sigil" that you can only supply from a specific merch for gold and you could sell it to that specific merch for the same amount. I believe it for 4 reasons.
1) Each of these items will have a specific ID code number(1-10^100k or more) so anet could easily track their use and probably their missuse(item dublication)
2) I have come many times accross people that don't want to give ectos for trade because they really need them or don't want to feed with cash resellers. Especially at hight bids trades at guru. They instead risk the chance to get scammed by proposing 2-3 trades of 100K+100K+xxK. I Think its not fair.
3) Guys the ectos market really sucks. Many American or not European players tend to make european accounts just to have access to uw and fow(favor based). They experience huge lags just to get ectos for trades. Also the whole ecto market is manipulated by ecto re-sellers.
4)You want to buy something and have the gold for it. Why you should involve the stupid ectos in the deal? Gold based deals are the fairest deals.
I would like to see an item valued 100k like a "traders sigil" that you can only supply from a specific merch for gold and you could sell it to that specific merch for the same amount. I believe it for 4 reasons.
1) Each of these items will have a specific ID code number(1-10^100k or more) so anet could easily track their use and probably their missuse(item dublication)
2) I have come many times accross people that don't want to give ectos for trade because they really need them or don't want to feed with cash resellers. Especially at hight bids trades at guru. They instead risk the chance to get scammed by proposing 2-3 trades of 100K+100K+xxK. I Think its not fair.
3) Guys the ectos market really sucks. Many American or not European players tend to make european accounts just to have access to uw and fow(favor based). They experience huge lags just to get ectos for trades. Also the whole ecto market is manipulated by ecto re-sellers.
4)You want to buy something and have the gold for it. Why you should involve the stupid ectos in the deal? Gold based deals are the fairest deals.
Fox Mulder
Fisrt, There would be no need for players to spam trade or "Search" for ectos!
Second, SB & GB would be bought from the Merchant & sold right away so there'd be no need for more storage space & no undercutting by resellers.
Third, You mean inflation like 100k + 40 ectos for a mini bone dragon 4 weeks
ago? Now they are going for 100k + 10 or less! I say its deflation after NF came along with the new & so called better stuff for sale.
A fluctuating commodity like ectos is no way to buy & sell anything!
Second, SB & GB would be bought from the Merchant & sold right away so there'd be no need for more storage space & no undercutting by resellers.
Third, You mean inflation like 100k + 40 ectos for a mini bone dragon 4 weeks
ago? Now they are going for 100k + 10 or less! I say its deflation after NF came along with the new & so called better stuff for sale.
A fluctuating commodity like ectos is no way to buy & sell anything!
amish lifeguard
Fox, the bone dragon's price went down because more came into circulation. And when people aer spamming to buy ecto, they are most likely buying them for fow.
imho, GW economy has gotten WAY out of control. i think it's too late for GW but in GW2 i would love to see some economy changes.
i'm an old D&D player and i'll give you a quick rundown on their economy:
10 copper pieces = 1 silver piece, 20 silver = 1 gold, 5 gold = 1 platinum.
(for GW2 i would keep the 1 = 1000, so 1000cp=1gp etc)
the important pert is this...a large sack was 16cp, a backpack was 2gp, a two-handed sword (highest dmg) was 30gp, and even the best armor (plate mail) was only 400gp!
why are we paying 100k + xxe for the next new thing? because even everyday items such as a superior salvage kit cost 2k!!! Lockpicks cost 1.5k!
in D&D only a thief could use a lockpick kit to open chests, but at least his kit only cost 30gp, and his chances of succeeding and retaining went up with the appropriate allocation of points in the related attribute!
i hope anet scales back next time around.
i'm an old D&D player and i'll give you a quick rundown on their economy:
10 copper pieces = 1 silver piece, 20 silver = 1 gold, 5 gold = 1 platinum.
(for GW2 i would keep the 1 = 1000, so 1000cp=1gp etc)
the important pert is this...a large sack was 16cp, a backpack was 2gp, a two-handed sword (highest dmg) was 30gp, and even the best armor (plate mail) was only 400gp!
why are we paying 100k + xxe for the next new thing? because even everyday items such as a superior salvage kit cost 2k!!! Lockpicks cost 1.5k!
in D&D only a thief could use a lockpick kit to open chests, but at least his kit only cost 30gp, and his chances of succeeding and retaining went up with the appropriate allocation of points in the related attribute!
i hope anet scales back next time around.
Originally Posted by Trophy Hunter
3) Guys the ectos market really sucks. Many American or not European players tend to make european accounts just to have access to uw and fow(favor based). They experience huge lags just to get ectos for trades. Also the whole ecto market is manipulated by ecto re-sellers.
Personally i think the GW economy is too far gone to help now
Lady Raenef
I think you should just be allowed to carry more gold rather than being so limited.
Ansgar Two Hand
With this talk about inflation - I will use an example that I have used before.
Lets say you walk out your back door, and see your neighbors dog. For the sake of conversation (bear with me here), you take a shovel, walk over, and beat that dog over the head. The dog dies, and a bag of gold appears. Next time you walk out your back door, the dog is back. You do it again. More gold.
You're going to spend a lot of free time beating that dog to death, aren't you?
Obviously, though, you're going to be dumping gold into the market, lowering the price of gold and eventually effecting other prices. But this is ok, since markets can absorb - in fact, *need*, a bit of increase in the money supply.
But what if EVERYONE does this? You'll soon get rampant inflation. They can try all they want, but as long as you can just walk out, whack some bushes and kill a couple critters and get a bag of gold, you're going to have inflation problems. You can move the problem around a bit by having new shiney things to covet (thereby devaluing previously coveted shiney things, effectively making them cheaper for those who still covet them), but the economy is fundamentally flawed.
The game is a lot of fun anyways, though, and they could probably find at least a partial solution if they really worked at it. This isn't really a gripe, it's just telling it like it is for those who haven't had occasion to think about it.
In the meantime, I'm going to go whack more random helpless wildlife to fund a new axe.
Edited to add:
This is hilarious.
Dude, look in your wallet - this is why modern "currency" is not synonymous with "gold"
Lets say you walk out your back door, and see your neighbors dog. For the sake of conversation (bear with me here), you take a shovel, walk over, and beat that dog over the head. The dog dies, and a bag of gold appears. Next time you walk out your back door, the dog is back. You do it again. More gold.
You're going to spend a lot of free time beating that dog to death, aren't you?
Obviously, though, you're going to be dumping gold into the market, lowering the price of gold and eventually effecting other prices. But this is ok, since markets can absorb - in fact, *need*, a bit of increase in the money supply.
But what if EVERYONE does this? You'll soon get rampant inflation. They can try all they want, but as long as you can just walk out, whack some bushes and kill a couple critters and get a bag of gold, you're going to have inflation problems. You can move the problem around a bit by having new shiney things to covet (thereby devaluing previously coveted shiney things, effectively making them cheaper for those who still covet them), but the economy is fundamentally flawed.
The game is a lot of fun anyways, though, and they could probably find at least a partial solution if they really worked at it. This isn't really a gripe, it's just telling it like it is for those who haven't had occasion to think about it.
In the meantime, I'm going to go whack more random helpless wildlife to fund a new axe.
Edited to add:
This is hilarious.
The idea is nice. I would like to see an item valued 100k like a "traders sigil" that you can only supply from a specific merch for gold and you could sell it to that specific merch for the same amount. I believe it for 4 reasons. 1) Each of these items will have a specific ID code number(1-10^100k or more) so anet could easily track their use and probably their missuse(item dublication) |

Originally Posted by Nikki Moonlight
In my opinion, read the date it was posted...

Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
I think you should just be allowed to carry more gold rather than being so limited.
The 100k limit is there for SOMETHING. Just deal with it already.
P.D.: In D&D 3.5, anyone can open locks and use lockpicks, you just need points in that skill. That's more logical.
P.D.: In D&D 3.5, anyone can open locks and use lockpicks, you just need points in that skill. That's more logical.
Originally Posted by Fox Mulder
The Merchant could carry silver bars (SB) worth 100g & gold bars (GB) for 1k. These prices would never fluctuate. 110k = 100k + 10 GB. What do u think?
Tender Wolf
Personally I'd love to be able to get FOW armor without all those expensive ectos and shards, but I don't see it happening. Plus, if this were to happen, I detect some ticked off people who already have FOW sets, especially multiples because of what they spent on it.
Fallen Hunter
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Personally I'd love to be able to get FOW armor without all those expensive ectos and shards, but I don't see it happening. Plus, if this were to happen, I detect some ticked off people who already have FOW sets, especially multiples because of what they spent on it.
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by Fallen Hunter
I think you misinterpret the OP's intentions. There was no suggestion of removing anything from the game - just providing an item with a preset value to use for trading values above 100k, as an alternative to ectos.

Chris Blackstar
how about just making ectos price fixed at say 2K each forever.
it's the players who need to be greedy, that have destroyed this game with 100K+ectos bullshiit
it's the players who need to be greedy, that have destroyed this game with 100K+ectos bullshiit
I'll just set so you can't trade items and gold at the same time. Or make only one stack of the same type at a time, so people have to mix ectos with rubies and sapphires and diamonds and so...
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by Not A Fifty Five
wont happen. for the mega rich ectos give more value per space. More like Platinum bars for 10k maybe
![]() Or Just do away with the silly concept of 100k per character and 1 mill for storage. Does anyone here know why anet does that? or is it simply for people to buy more accounts for storing money? |
or do you find it normal..that certain weapons/minipets and everythign else very highly wanted and beign ultra rare reaches insanely high inflated prices of more over 3000 Platin oO ???
People..which are so pay for things 100 Platin plus a huge load of several slots full of 250 Ectos oO only to be able to pay such ridiculous high prices some insane people want for their stuff ?
It amazes me really. that anet does nothing against this ridiculous inflation from the start simple not giving players the chance of wanting such insane prices for something, by giving the game simple not such insane rare items ...
such items are the f.ucking reason ..why also Guild Wars like so much other bad MMO's got flooded by f.ucking gold sellers ...
The economy of this game massively sucks and anet does absolutely TOO LESS against it ..the concept of the limited gold in storage and per character doesn't work..because people try simple everything to destroy the economy and to bring inflation into the that they have ways to become ultra rich....
and this exists only in bad concepted games..which are nothing only then rare drops, which must be naturally so rare to give gold sellers a reason for exist...
GW2 needs later 100 pro a better money system and item stack system ...
characters should be able to carry with them more then 100 Platin... they should be able to have max 1000 Platin ..and the storage chest should be able to have an infinite amount of money in it.
items should stack also infinite or say max to 10000 (9999)...250 is absolutely too less and one reason..why people have simple too less storage space, cause of too much wasted slots...because items stack only to 250 and then must be a next slot take for further stuff >.>
Nobody can tell me, that anet isn't able to change that ....
and then may never exist anymore any items or things..which are so rare....that people might think..they can wish any ridiculous insane amount of money for it...only because its so rare....
whwen you want to have a good economy in a game..then you may not simple hear on all those whiners..which want to have rare stuff. only so that they have something, with that they can make quick very much money...
who wants to be rich..has to earn the money over time by normal ways..not by selling anythign ultra rare for ridiculous inflated amounts of money...
Doe anyone here think...people like Bill gates got so rich like they are..because they sold 1 rare thing ? no ..they worked very hard....started poor and became over time richer and richer...not from 0 to xxx Millions by 1 sell.... thats the wrong mentality people have in games, which are all about rarerity about items ... everyone wants to become only richer and richer...regardless how illegal the way must be that hey go ....only important rich, or ur nothing... thats really something,,.that needs to be corrected in GW2 ....
Chris Blackstar
the best option to stop inflation is to get rid of the system Anet currently uses to control the price of items, and just make everything a fixed price.
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by Chris Blackstar
the best option to stop inflation is to get rid of the system Anet currently uses to control the price of items, and just make everything a fixed price.
a NPC commerce town would this be then ... (id put it somewhere in the underground of Kaineng City XD)
that is really something, anet should have started with from the begin on..making all prices fixed ...and not based on supply and demand of the players.. because this system will ever fail and lead sooner or later into bigger the community grows and so much more money is in current
Instead of this they may as well just remove gold cap
Instead of this they may as well just remove gold cap