Noob please
So i just bought GW this today, no expansions just the GOTY edition. And anyways after starting it i cannot find ANYONE doing quests..just people doing trades and missions. Im on lvl 3 and so far are just using you start finding more people as you get higher in lvl or is everyone just in PvP and the new expansions?
Ryo Azuro
Depends on the town/outpost, usually. Ascalon City will probably have a lot of people, but a place like... Grendich Courthouse will probably have a small number of people in it.
I do believe that more people are playing Nightfall, at the moment, for some of the Wintersday stuff. After the event, you might see a few more people in the Prophecies campaign.
On the leveling up part, I think you may find a few more people doing quests and/or missions. What is your starting profession? That sometimes affects whether or not you'll be invited into a party.
All I can say is try to post doing a quest in a populated city. If you can't get help there, I suggest trying to find a active, friendly guild. Hopefully you'll find the help you need. Be well and welcome to GW!
- Ryo
I do believe that more people are playing Nightfall, at the moment, for some of the Wintersday stuff. After the event, you might see a few more people in the Prophecies campaign.
On the leveling up part, I think you may find a few more people doing quests and/or missions. What is your starting profession? That sometimes affects whether or not you'll be invited into a party.
All I can say is try to post doing a quest in a populated city. If you can't get help there, I suggest trying to find a active, friendly guild. Hopefully you'll find the help you need. Be well and welcome to GW!
- Ryo
Malice Black
Generally people won't group for low end missions/quests so just use the henchmen. Once you get a little further in (Yaks Bend) then being in a group will be of more advantage to you.
Im a Warrior and second proffession is monk. i was in Ascalon (sp) and there were tons of people there but NOBODY doing questions just missions and trade..
Hand of Ruin
Well it wont help being level 3... you should have leveled a bit more before you left pre-searing.
Malice Black
Nobody will do missions with you...everyone skips that part of the game once they have done it once.
Take the henchies..they are easier to manage 99% of the time anyway.
Take the henchies..they are easier to manage 99% of the time anyway.