shield upgrade
sir resnore
i have a shield handle of valor, +60 hp while hexed, it doesn't seem to want to attach to any of my shields, i'm a w/me, maybe its for a paragon or dervish? any ideas?
Kern Wolf
Is it a shield from NF?
Are you trying to put it on a shield that takes inscriptions?
If not there's your problem.
If not there's your problem.
sir resnore
i've tried on nf shields that take inscriptions, didn't work, would a prophecies inscribable shield work?
There's no such thing as Prophecies inscribable items. They only drop in Elona.
Shield handles are generic, they will work on any inscribable shield regardless of it's requirement.
Shield handles are generic, they will work on any inscribable shield regardless of it's requirement.
sir resnore
thanks hockster, any reason why it woudnt work on inscribable shield bought from an elonian merch. oh also i forgot to add, its a character from prophecies.
Some of the weapon crafters offer already modded items. It's possible they can't be changed.
Originally Posted by sir resnore
thanks hockster, any reason why it woudnt work on inscribable shield bought from an elonian merch. oh also i forgot to add, its a character from prophecies.
But if its a gold or purple Item It just has to have an Inscription Slot.
Hope that helps
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
But if its a gold or purple Item It just has to have an Inscription Slot.
Hope that helps |
well, if the shield u bought gives health bonus, then it is moded already, however, because it cannot be removed, u cannot replace ur handle with the "invisible" 1.
Try the shields that are blank as in completely blank with nothing on it at all, maybe inscripable is fine, just no bonuses like health
Try the shields that are blank as in completely blank with nothing on it at all, maybe inscripable is fine, just no bonuses like health
sir resnore
thanks all, i get it now
Originally Posted by Hockster
Not entirely true. I had a bow drop from a chest in DoA. It was gold, had no damage mod and no inscription slot. The gold rating came from it's 20% Demon Slaying grip. I tried adding an inscription to it but it would not take it.