Post your Wintersday Helms!
o.o; Jesters is cool!
[edit] just got the antlers <3
cuteee! ;o
[edit] just got the antlers <3
cuteee! ;o
lambda the great
Wow that was fast
Whispering Siren
freezie crown: (kamadan - dwayna)
great horns of grenth: (LA - grenth)
great horns of grenth: (LA - grenth)
The Great Horns of Grenth seem to me the best of the Festival hats this Wintersday.
Ulivious The Reaper
<3 my nekkid warrior
X of Thulcandra
That snowman has such an irritated expression on it's face, haha.
people say its ugly i think its hot
- Gobby -
Well i think ill only get horns
Ulivious The Reaper
you can dye jester caps :P
How do you think that hat is hot? It's like 7 feet in the air and makes you look like a wanna-be oversized elf-man who works out too much. No offence
Originally Posted by GedLongbow
How do you think that hat is hot? It's like 7 feet in the air and makes you look like a wanna-be oversized elf-man who works out too much. No offence
i prefer the term overexersized man-elf
but really compared to the horns - it pwns,
but really compared to the horns - it pwns,
Too cheap to match it perfectly.
Lamda norsk?? What the heck does that mean?!
Yule Cap is my fav. I think the original is better but I don't have it so this will have to do. And haha, the expression and top hat of Freezie Crown still makes me lol. I also got those Grenth's hats but thrashed them after showing them to the festival hat maker.
somehow, the freeze cap reminds me of this guy:
(click the picture for full size)
Hey... how do I know which side is Grenth's or Dwayana's? Its utterly confusing. (ATM I am on dis 22... and I heard odd ones = grenth?)
jase the warrior
These are all my hats :P i got bored lol
btw those snowmen behind me are my best buddys
btw those snowmen behind me are my best buddys
That snowman on your left is checkin out your butt it would seem.
Originally Posted by bulletsmile
Scar Ishbal
Jester Hat is awesome
-Old 3FL-
I only got grenth horns on my only char atm
Crystal Alice
she's a reindeer!!!
I made a photoshop picture with all of my characters in there holiday hats except the dervish, shes just using her wintergreen scythe
Mesmer in Need
Originally Posted by jase the warrior
These are all my hats :P i got bored lol
btw those snowmen behind me are my best buddys lol this pic makes me laugh. i love the tweaked out look on the snowmans face
btw those snowmen behind me are my best buddys lol this pic makes me laugh. i love the tweaked out look on the snowmans face