Hi i'm a Dervish/Element
somehow i cant find any interruption skill for my class and w/e there is, they are in Faction.
anyone know any interruption skills for my class?
i cant complete the mission Rilohn Refuge without one.. please advise
Thanx in advance
D/E, need help with Interuption skills
Star Naiad
this should help
this should help
Njaiguni Blaze
And by now you would have the proffession changer available. You can find him in the Command Outpost when you walk outside the Sunspear Sanctuary. Also, you're Heroes make better interrupters then anyone. I would suggest Broad Head Arrow for a Ranger and Psychic Distration along with some long recharge skills for a Mesmer. Those 2 skills are from the Factions campaign, so if you don't have it, I'd suggest Choking Gas for the Ranger and the various interrupts and hexes which make your foe cast slower (add in Frustration for some damage) for the Mesmer. Heroes can always get their second proffession changed from the moment you get them.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Dervish/warrior with the unattributed Distracting Blow could work. Wild Blow on a dervish is pretty nice as well since they don't need to use adrenaline.
Star Naiad
Thanx guys.. i think nightfall is just way too hard for a noob like me, so ive decided to buy Prophocies heard it will teach you how to play the game.
so what class is the best? should i got mesmer/war or war/mes?
so what class is the best? should i got mesmer/war or war/mes?
I'm not sure how playing Prophecies will help you to understand things like this better, it is more just a matter of experience I'd say, being able to figure out which skills to use where.
As far as what profession to play that is pretty much a personal preference and there is no "best". I took a mesmer to 20 but he is a mule for me now, I find that I enjoy other professions more. Not that they are bad, that is just my preference.
As far as what profession to play that is pretty much a personal preference and there is no "best". I took a mesmer to 20 but he is a mule for me now, I find that I enjoy other professions more. Not that they are bad, that is just my preference.
Crom The Pale
If you like Dervish then you will like the War, but you should try all the proffs as they each give you a nice change of pace in play style.
It will also give you some insight into the skills for each class.
A Dervish/ele does have several means of interupting, Shock, Meteor both cause knockdowns and Lightning Javelin interupts attcking foes.
I'd sugest that if you like the damage dealing aspect of melee chars but want a change make a Ranger. They deal nice damage, have a pet and can control a battle with calls/interupts/conditions/traps.
It will also give you some insight into the skills for each class.
A Dervish/ele does have several means of interupting, Shock, Meteor both cause knockdowns and Lightning Javelin interupts attcking foes.
I'd sugest that if you like the damage dealing aspect of melee chars but want a change make a Ranger. They deal nice damage, have a pet and can control a battle with calls/interupts/conditions/traps.

Sandblasted Skin
I would recomend against a primary mesmer if your having trouble learning the game. The mesmer class is a little harder to learn. Good easy classes to master early are W/Mo, Fire elementalist, or Minion Master Necro. I found the dervish to have a fairly easy learning curve but your choice of elementalist as a secondary could be hurting you in learning it. Try switching your secondary to monk and take some self heals along.
The biggest thing to learn is that you don't have to stand in there and take the damage. Yes that is what melee class do but you might want to run around a little bit when your health gets low. Kite the enemy past your warrior or other melee henchmen and they will stop to attack them. Then heal up quick and reenter the fray.
The game is not very challenging most of the time but first learning what works can take a little time. Just keep at it and try different things. You'll get it.
Have Fun!!
The biggest thing to learn is that you don't have to stand in there and take the damage. Yes that is what melee class do but you might want to run around a little bit when your health gets low. Kite the enemy past your warrior or other melee henchmen and they will stop to attack them. Then heal up quick and reenter the fray.
The game is not very challenging most of the time but first learning what works can take a little time. Just keep at it and try different things. You'll get it.
Have Fun!!